Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng*, Interface and permittivity simultaneous reconstruction in electrical capacitance tomography based on boundary and finite-elements coupling method, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences, 2016(JUNE), Vol.374(2070), pp. 20150333.
上一条:Yi Cui*, Shangjie Ren, Khin Khin Tha, Jia Wu, Hiroki Shirato, Ruijiang Li, Volume of high-risk intratumoral subregions at multi-parametric MR imaging predicts overall survival and complements molecular analysis of glioblastoma, European Radiology, 2017(SEP), Vol.27(9), pp. 3583-3592.
下一条:Ren Shangjie, Zhao Jia, Dong Feng*, Dimensionality reduced simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for electrical resistance tomography, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2015(DEC), Vol.46(B), pp. 284-291.