9、 Roman I. Egorov*, Alexander S. Zaitsev, Hong Li, Xin Gao, Pavel A.Strizhak. Intensity dependent features of the light-induced gasification of the waste-derived coal-water compositions. Renewable Energy, 2020, 146: 1667-1675.
上一条:8、 Hong Li, Chunyu Zhang, Chuanrui Pang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*.The advances in the special microwave effects of the heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2020, Accepted.
下一条:10、 Zhai Jinpeng, Li Xingang, Li Hong, Gao Xin*. Microwave induced pyrolysis of waste lubricant oil. Modern Chemial Industry, 2020, 40(1): 77-80.