25、 Xingang Li, Chengtian Cui, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Process synthesis and simulation-based optimization of ethylbenzene/styrene separation using double-effect heat integration and self-heat recuperation technology: A techno-economic analysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 228: 115760.
上一条:24、 Xingang Li#, Peng Yan#, Sida Zhao, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Fabrication and Hydrodynamics Performance of Modified Sieve Tray with Janus Feature. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 216: 74-82.
下一条:26、 Xingang Li, Fangzhou Wang, Duo Zhang, Sai Gu*, Xin Gao*. Fluid-solid interaction simulation for particles and walls of arbitrary polygonal shapes with a coupled LBM-IMB-DEM method. Powder Technology, 2019, 356: 177-192.