- 教师名称:程占军
- 教师拼音名称:Cheng Zhanjun
- 出生日期:1985-08-25
- 性别:男
- 职务:副院长
- 学科:环境工程/热能工程
- 职称:教授
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L. L. Xing, L. C. Lian, J. T. Cui, J. L. Wang, Z. J. Cheng*, X. Wang, Ab initio and kinetics study of the thermal unimolecular decomposition of 2-furfuryl alcohol, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2021, 1202, 113327.
上一条:L. L. Xing*, L. C. Lian, X. T. Wang, J. T. Cui, Z. J. Cheng*, Hydrogen shift isomerizations in the kinetics of the first and second oxidation mechanism of diethyl ether combustion, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2021, 1202, 113340 下一条:P. D. Li, W. He, J. L. Wang, S. B. Song, J. Wang, T. L. Lv, J. Z. Yang, Z. J. Cheng*, L. X. Wei*, Experimental and kinetic modeling investigations on low-temperature oxidation of 2-ethylfuran in a jet-stirred reactor, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 241, 112098.