4. Jiajia Jiang*, Fajie Duan, Jin Chen, Yanchao Li, Xiangning Hua. Mixed near-field and far-field sources localization using the uniform linear sensor array. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol 13, no. 8, pp.3136-3143, 2013.
上一条:5. Jiajia Jiang*, Fajie Duan, Jin Chen, Chao Zhang, Zongjie Chang, Xiangning Hua. Two new estimation algorithms for sensor gain and phase errors based on different data models. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.13, no. 5, pp. 1921-1930, 2013.
下一条:3. Jiajia Jiang*, Xianquan Wang and Fajie Duan, An effective frequency-spatial filter method to restrain the interferences for active sensors gain and phase errors calibration. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.16, no.21, pp. 7713-7719, 2016.