- 教师名称:张林
- 教师拼音名称:Zhang Lin
- 性别:男
- 职务:天津市集成光电子技术与器件重点实验室主任、天津市光电芯片与多维光纤集成系统工程研究中心主任
- 学科:光学工程
- 职称:教授
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X. Zhou, L. Zhang, A. M. Armani, J. Liu, X. Duan, D. Zhang, H. Zhang, and W. Pang, “An integrated photonic gas sensor enhanced by optimized Fano effects in coupled microring resonators with an athermal waveguide,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 33, no. 22, pp. 4521-4530, Nov. 2015.
上一条:C. Bao, P. Liao, L. Zhang, Y. Yan, Y. Cao, G. Xie, A. Mohajerin-Ariaei, L. Li, M. Ziyadi, A. Almaiman, L. C. Kimerling, J. Michel, and A. E. Willner, "Effect of a breather soliton in Kerr frequency combs on optical communication systems," Optics Letters, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1764-1767, Apr. 2016. 下一条:C. Bao, L. Zhang, L. C. Kimerling, J. Michel, and C. Yang, “Soliton breathing induced by stimulated Raman scattering and self-steepening in octave-spanning Kerr frequency comb generation,” Optics Express, vol. 23, no. 14, pp. 18665-18670, July 2015.