- 教师名称:叶升
- 教师拼音名称:Ye Sheng
- 出生日期:1970-10-01
- 性别:男
- 职务:生命科学学院院长
- 职称:教授
- 邮箱:
3. Luo Y, Ye S, Chen X, Gong F, Lu W, Li X (2017) Rush to the fire: FGF21 extinguishes metabolic stress, metaflammation and tissue damage. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev, 38:59-65
上一条:2. Liang C, Chen Q, Yi Q, Zhang M, Yan H, Zhang B, Zhou L, Zhang Z, Qi F, Ye S, Wang F (2017) A kinase-dependent role for Haspin in antagonizing Wapl and protecting mitotic centromere cohesion. EMBO Rep, 19:43-56 下一条:4. Yu J, Wang X, Xu T, Jin Q, Duan J, Wu J, Wu H, Xu T*, Ye S* (2017) A rational approach to enhancing antibody Fc homodimer formation for robust production of antibody mixture in a single cell line. J Biol Chem, 292:17885-17896