- 教师名称:叶升
- 教师拼音名称:Ye Sheng
- 出生日期:1970-10-01
- 性别:男
- 职务:生命科学学院院长
- 职称:教授
1. Ye S, Li Y, Chen L, Jiang Y (2006). Crystal structures of a Ligand-free MthK gating ring: Insights into the ligand gating mechanism of K+ channel. Cell, 126:1161-73
2. Luo Y, Ye S, Kan M, McKeehan WL (2006). Control of FGF7- and FGF1-induced mitogenesis and downstream signaling by distinct heparin octasaccharide motifs. J Biol Chem, 281:21052-61
3. Shi N, Ye S, Alam A, Chen L, Jiang Y (2006). Atomic Structure of a Na+ and K+ Conducting Channel. Nature, 440:570-4
4. Luo Y, Ye S, Kan M, McKeehan WL (2006). Structural Specificity in a FGF7-Affinity Purified Heparin Octasaccharide Required for Formation of a Complex with FGF7 and FGFR2IIIb. J Cell Biochem, 97:1241-58
5. Paricharttanakul NM, Ye S, Menefee AL, Javid-Majd F, Sacchettini JC, Reinhart GD (2005). Kinetic and structural Characterization Phosphofructokinase from Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Biochemistry, 44:15280-6
6. Ye S, Vakonakis I, Ioerger TR, LiWang AC, Sacchettini JC (2004). Crystal structure of circadian clock protein KaiA from synechococcus elongatus. J Biol Chem. 279:20511-8
7. Aertgeerts K, Ye S, Shi L, Prasad SG, Witmer D, Chi E, Sang BC, Wijnands RA, Webb DR, Swanson RV (2004). N-linked glycosylation of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26): Effects on enzyme activity, homodimer formation, and adenosine deaminase binding. Protein Sci. 13:145-54
8. Aertgeerts K, Ye S, Tennant MG, Kraus ML, Rogers J, Sang BC, Skene RJ, Webb DR, Prasad GS (2004). Crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with a decapeptide reveals details on substrate specificity and tetrahedral intermediate formation. Protein Sci. 13:412-21
9. Ye S, von Delft F, Brooun A, Knuth MW, Swanson RV and McRee DE (2003). The Crystal Structure of Shikimate Dehydrogenase (AroE) Reveals a Unique NADPH Binding Mode. J Bacteriol. 185:4144-51
10. Bergstrom RC, Coombs GS, Ye S, Madison EL Goldsmith EJ and Corey DR (2003). Binding of nonphysiological protein and peptide substrates to proteases: differences between urokinase-type plasminogen activator and trypsin and contributions to the evolution of regulated proteolysis. Biochemistry. 42:5395-402
11. Ye S, Goldsmith EJ (2001). Serpins and Other Covalent Protease Inhibitors. Curr Opin Struct Biol, 11:740-5
12. Ye S, Cech AL, Belmares R, Bergstrom RC, Tong Y, Corey DR, Kanost MR, and Goldsmith EJ (2001). The structure of a Michaelis Serpin-Protease Complex. Nat Struct Biol, 8:979-83
13. Ye S, Luo Y, Lu W, Jones RB, Mohamedali KA, Linhardt RJ, Capila I, Toida T, Kan M, Pelletier H and McKeehan WL (2001). Structural Basis for Interaction of FGF-1, FGF-2 and FGF-7 with Different Heparan Sulfate Motifs. Biochemistry, 40:14429-39
14. Yang Z, Ye S, Jing GZ, Gui LL, Liang DC (1997). Crystal structure of an N-terminal fragment SNR141 of Staphylococcal nuclease R refined at 1.9 angstrom resolution. Prog Nat Sci, 9:617-22
15. Ye S, Wan ZL, Zhou B, Jing GZ, Liang DC (1997). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of SNR 141 - an N-terminal fragment of staphylococcal nuclease R. Chinese Science Bulletin, 42:983-5 (Chinese Ed.) 42:957-60 (Eng. Ed.)