Nianzhong Chen

School of Civil Engineering

Professional Title


Administrative Appointments


Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Contact Information

School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China


Brief Introduction

I am a Professor ("Peiyang Distinguished Professor") at School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, China, an associate editor of Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - ASME, an editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Ship Research. Before I joined Tianjin University, I was working as a Senior Lecturer at School of Engineering, Newcastle University, UK. Prior to that, I worked for American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Houston, TX, USA for seven years where I specialized on industry standards development and advanced R&D projects. My research interest is primarily focused on structural integrity and reliability assessment for marine structures (Merchant ship, FPSO, offshore wind turbine, Semi, TLP, Riser & pipeline, etc), including structural ultimate strength prediction, fatigue and fracture mechanics analysis, corrosion fatigue, engineering critical assessment (ECA), structural reliability analysis, risk-based inspection (RBI), risk analysis, digital twin (DT), etc. As PI, I was in charge of 20+ projects from US and UK offshore oil & gas companies, including ExxonMobil, BP, GE, DNVGL, etc. In addition, I am currently a committee Member of International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), a member of Scientific Committee (Structures, Safety and Reliability) of International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) (ASME), a member of international conference organizing committees of COTech and MARTECH, a member of ASME and SNAME. I was a member of technical committee of Ship Structure Committee (SSC) projects of USA, a technical committee member of Joint Industry Projects (JIP) and industry Joint Development Projects (JDP) of USA, a member of international conference organizing committees of MARSTRUCT, IMAM, etc.

Education Background
  • Master Degree| Wuhan University of Technology| Structural Engineering| 2000
  • Bachelor Degree| Wuhan University of Technology| Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering| 1997
  • Doctoral degree| Shanghai Jiao Tong University| Engineering Mechanics| 2004
  • Doctoral degree| University of Lisbon| Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering| 2006
Research Interests
  • Merchant ships, offshore floating structures, riser and pipeline, fixed/floating wind turbine, subsea production system, deep-sea mining, composite structures, etc.
  • Structural integrity assessment (Buckling and ultimate strength, fatigue and fracture mechanics analysis, engineering critical assessment, corrosion fatigue, etc)
  • Mooring analysis, hydrodynamics, CFD, VIV,  etc
  • Structural reliability and risk analysis, structural health monitoring, digital twin
Professional Membership
  • Associate editor of Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
  • Editorial Board Member of Chinese Journal of Ship Research
  • Scientific Committee Member of International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC)
  • Scientific Committee Member of International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) (ASME)
  • Technical Programme Committee Member of International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT)
  • Technical Programme Committee Member of International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM)
  • Technical Programme Committee Member of International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering
  • Scientific Committee Member of Conference of Computational Methods in Offshore Technology
Positions & Employments
  • 2018.1-Now

    School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University 
  • 2014.11-2018.1

    School of Engineering | Newcastle University 
  • 2007.12-2014.11

    Technology Department | American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 
  • 2007.3-2007.12

    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science | Memorial University of Newfoundland 
  • 2006.9-2007.3

    Department of Civil and Structural Engineering | Hong Kong Polytechnic University 
  • 2003.9-2004.10

    Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre | Hong Kong Polytechnic University 
Academic Achievements