





  • · 2008.8 - 2012.6

    山东大学   - 热机专业   - 工学学士

  • · 2012.8 - 2017.6

    清华大学   - 动力工程及工程热物理   - 博士学位


  • · 2021.9 - 2022.6

     天津大学机械工程学院  → 在职 → 副教授 

  • · 2018.3 - 2021.8

    机械工程学院 → 伯明翰大学 → Research Fellow 

  • · 2022.7- 至今

    机械工程学院 → 天津大学 → 研究员 


  • · Fuel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Applied Energy, Energy,SAE world congress等学术期刊及国际会议审稿人

  • · SAE PF&L(2017)“双燃料燃烧”分会的主席

  • · 国际气溶胶学会“The Aerosol Society” 会员

  • · 美国汽车工程师协会(SAE)会员

  • · 2022.4-至今


  • · 2022.11-至今




2021.7– 2022.12,内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室,天津大学,英才副教授

2018.3 – 2021.7,机械工程学院, 英国伯明翰大学,博士后

2017.07-2018.02 清华大学,汽车工程系 博士后

2012.08-2017.07 清华大学,汽车工程系,动力工程及工程热物理 博士学位

2008.09-2012.06 山东大学,能源与动力工程学院,热机专业 工学学士












5.2020, The Challenge of Particular Matter (PM) Emission Reduction in India,IGI/ IAS Global Challenges Funding Institute for Global Innovation,项目负责人 

6.Biodice a superpower unit. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Funding,2018-2021, 300 万元,第一参与人,结题;

7. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,液体燃料分子结构与汽车发动机碳烟和颗粒物排放相关性的基础研究,2018.01-2020.12, 200万元, 结题, 参与;



Haoye Liu, Shiwu Yu, Tianyou Wang, Ji Li, Yuanjing Wang. A systematic review on sustainability assessment of internal combustion engines. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 141996.

Minghao Xiahou, Yizhuo Feng, Haoye Liu*, Zhi Wang, Tianyou Wang. Numerical investigation of the combustion regime in pilot-ignited high-pressure direct-injection low reactivity fuel combustion with the injection system of eccentric configuration. Applied Thermal Engineering 238, 122209.

Zhirong Liang, Haoye Liu, Zhangliang Han, Yukun Fan, Lei Lei. Combustion and Particulate I/SVOC Characteristics of an Aero-engine Combustor with Dual-Stage under Operational Power and Injection Pressure. Energy, 2024, 131796.

刘浩业,张潇文,任烁今,王天友.  重型柴油车远程OBD 系统数据分析研究进展综述. 能源环境保护 2023,37(1):58-64.

XiaowenZhang, Jingyuan Li, Haoye Liu*, et al. Afuel-consumption based window method for PEMS NOx emission calculation ofheavy-duty diesel vehicles: method description and case demonstration. Journalof Environmental Management 2022, 325: 116446.

 ZhirongLiang, Zhenhong Yu, Haoye Liu*, et al. Combustionand emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine burning a widerange of conventional hydrocarbon and alternative fuels. Energy 2022,250(6):123717.

Zhirong Liang,Yuejian Chen, Haoye Liu*, et al. Characterizing combustionperformance and PM emissions of an aviation compression ignition engine byfueling RP-3 kerosene and RP-3/pentanol blends. International Journal of EngineResearch 2022, DOI: 10.1177/14680874221086385.

HaoyeLiu,Zhi Wang, Jun Zhang, Jianxin Wang, Shijin Shuai. Study on combustion andemission characteristics of PODE/diesel blends in light-duty and heavy-dutydiesel engines. Applied Energy 2017, 185: 1393-1402.(ESI高被引论文)

HaoyeLiu,Zhi Wang, Jianxin Wang, Xin He. Improvement of emission characteristics andthermal efficiency in diesel engines by fueling gasoline/diesel/PODEn blends.Energy 2016, 97: 105-112. (ESI高被引论文)

HaoyeLiu,Yusong Yu, Chongming Wang, Hongming Xu, Xiao Ma. Brownian coagulation ofparticles in the gasoline engine exhaust system: Experimental measurement andMonte Carlo simulation. Fuel 2021, 303, 121340.

HaoyeLiu,Ziyang Li, Mengzhu Zhang, Hongming Xu, Xiao Ma, Shijin Shuai. Exhaustnon-volatile particle filtration characteristics of three-way catalyst andinfluencing factors in a gasoline direct injection engine compared to gasolineparticulate filter. Fuel 2021, 290, 120065.

HaoyeLiu,Ziyang Li, Hongming Xu, Xiao Ma, Shijin Shuai. Nucleation Mode ParticleEvolution in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine with and without a Three-wayCatalyst Converter. Applied Energy 2020, 259, 114211.

 HaoyeLiu,Chongming Wang, Yusong Yu, Hongming Xu, Xiao Ma. An experimental study onparticle evolution in the exhaust gas of a direct injection SI engine. AppliedEnergy 2020, 260: 114220    .

HaoyeLiu,Zhi Wang, Yanfei Li, Yanyan Zheng, Tanjin He, Jianxin Wang. Recent progress inthe application in compression ignition engines and the synthesis technologiesof polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers. Applied Energy 2019, 223-224: 599-611.

HaoyeLiu,Rafio Olalere, Chongming Wang, Xiao Ma, Hongming Xu. Combustion characteristicsand engine performance of 2-methylfuran compared to gasoline and ethanol in adirect injection spark ignition engine. Fuel 2021, 299, 120825

HaoyeLiu,Zhi Wang, Bowen Li, Jianxin Wang, Xin He. Exploiting new combustion regimeusing multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) fueled withgasoline/diesel/PODE (GDP). Fuel 2016, 186: 639-647.

HaoyeLiu,Xiao Ma, Bowen Li, Longfei Chen, Zhi Wang, Jianxin Wang. Combustion andemission characteristics of a direct injection diesel engine fueled withbiodiesel and PODE/biodiesel fuel blends. Fuel 2017, 209:62-68.

HaoyeLiu,Zhi Wang, Jianxin Wang, Xin He, et al. Performance, combustion and emissioncharacteristics of a diesel engine fueled with polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers(PODE3-4)/diesel blends. Energy 2015, 88: 793-800.

HaoyeLiu,Zhi Wang, Jianxin Wang. Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics ofPolyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers (PODE3-4)/ Wide Distillation Fuel (WDF) Blendsin Premixed Low Temperature Combustion (LTC). SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr.8(2):2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-0810.

HaoyeLiu,Zhi Wang, Jianxin Wang, Xin He. Effects of gasoline research octane number onpremixed low-temperature combustion of wide distillation fuel bygasoline/diesel blend. Fuel 2014, 134: 381–388.

ZhiWang, Haoye Liu, Xiao Ma, Jianxin Wang, Shijin Shuai, Rolf D. Reitz.Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion of polyoxymethylenedimethyl ethers (PODE). Fuel 2016, 183: 206–213.

ZhiWang, Haoye Liu, Jianxin Wang. Effects of Cetane Number of Wide DistillationFuel on Combustion and Emissions in a Direct Injection Compression IgnitionEngine. International J of Engine Research, Accept.

TanjinHe, Haoye Liu, Yingdi Wang, Boyuan Wang, Hui Liu, Zhi Wang. Development ofSurrogate Model for Oxygenated Wide-Distillation Fuel with PolyoxymethyleneDimethyl Ether. SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 10(3):2017, doi:10.4271/2017-01-2336.

BowenLi, Haoye Liu, Linjun Yu, ZhiWang, and JianxinWang. Optimization of piston bowland valve system in compression ignition engine fueled withgasoline/diesel/polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers for high efficiency.International J of Engine Research 2019, 1468087419865384.

JianxinWang, Haoye Liu, Zhi Wang, Shijin Shuai. Combustion and emissioncharacteristics of direct injection compression ignition engine fueled withwide distillation fuel (WDF). Energy Procedia, v 75, p 2379-2387, 2015, Clean,Efficient and Affordable Energy for a Sustainable Future: 7th International.

ZhiWang, Haoye Liu, Jun Zhang, Jianxin Wang, Shijin Shuai. Performance, combustionand emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with polyoxymethylenedimethyl ethers (PODE3-4)/ diesel blends. Energy Procedia, v 75, p 2337-2344,2015, Clean, Efficient and Affordable Energy for a Sustainable Future: 7thInternational Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2015.

ZhiWang, Jianxin Wang,HaoyeLiu. Combustion and emission characteristics of direct injection compressionignition engine fueled with Full Distillation Fuel (FDF). Fuel 2015, 140 :561–567.

BowenLi, Yanfei Li, Haoye Liu, Fang Liu, Zhi Wang, Jianxin Wang. Combustion andemission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with biodiesel/PODE blends.Applied Energy 2017, 206: 425-431.

LongfeiChen, Shirun Ding, Haoye Liu, Yiji Lu, Yanfei Li, Anthony Paul Roskilly.Comparative study of combustion and emissions of kerosene (RP-3),kerosene-pentanol blends and diesel in a compression ignition engine. AppliedEnergy, 2017, 203:91-100.

LongfeiChen, Zhirong Liang, Haoye Liu, Shirun Ding, Yanfei Li. Sensitivity analysis offuel types and operational parameters on the particulate matter emissions froman aviation piston engine burning heavy fuels. Fuel 2017, 202:520-528.

TanjinHe, Zhi Wang, Xiaoqing You, Haoye Liu, Yingdi Wang, Xiaoyu Li, Xin He. AChemical Kinetic Mechanism for the Low- and Intermediate-temperature Combustionof Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ether 3 (PODE3). Fuel 2017, 212:223-235.

ChangzhaoJiang, Chongming Wang, Hongming Xu, Haoye Liu, Xiao Ma. Engine performance andemissions of furan-series biofuels under stratified lean-burn combustion mode.Fuel 2020, 285:119113.

Li Li,Jianxin Wang, Zhi Wang, Haoye Liu. Combustion and emissions of compressionignition in a direct injection diesel engine fueled with pentanol. Energy2015,80, 575-581.

Shuojin Ren,Sage L Kokjohn, Zhi Wang, Haoye Liu, Buyu Wang, Jianxin Wang. A multi-componentwide distillation fuel (covering gasoline, jet fuel and diesel fuel) mechanismfor combustion and PAH prediction. Fuel, 2017, 208:447-468.

ShuojinRen, Zhi Wang, Bowen Li, Haoye Liu, JianxinWang. Development of a reducedpolyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (PODEn) mechanism for engine applications.Fuel 2019, 238:208-224.

LinjunYu, Yanfei Li, Bowen Li, Haoye Liu, Zhi Wang, Xin He, Shijin Shuai. ComparativeStudy on Gasoline HCCI and DICI Combustion in High Load Range with HighCompression Ratio for Passenger Cars Application. SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr.10(3): 2017, doi:10.4271/2017-01-2257.

LinjunYu, Shijin Shuai, Yanfei Li, Bowen Li, Haoye Liu, Xin He, Zhi Wang. Anexperimental investigation on thermal efficiency of a compression ignitionengine fueled with five gasoline-like fuels. Fuel 2017, 207: 56–63.



