- 教师名称:孙津生
- 教师拼音名称:Sun Jinsheng
- 出生日期:1967-03-30
- 性别:男
- 学科:Process Systems Engineering / Process Intensification / Thermocatalytic Pyrolysis Dehydrogenation / Metal Nanomaterials / Machine Learning & Intelligent Optimization Algorithms
- 职称:副教授
Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Li X, Sui H, Sun J*: Optimization of coal-based methanol distillation scheme using process superstructure method to maximize energy efficiency[J]. Energy, 2017, 119: 110-120.. Energy
Sun Jinsheng. Sun Jinsheng, Li Tianpei, Shi Ming, Yin Hong, Gao Hong: Research on pyrolysis of biocrude for light olefins[J].Chemical Industry And Engineering Progress,2017,36(12):4430-4435.. Chemical Industry And Engineering Progress
Yin Hong. Yin Hong, Gao Hong, Sun Jinsheng*, Cao Xijia: Preparation and research on porous heat resistant Au@ NiO[J].Modern Chemical Industry,2017,37(09):110-113.. Modern Chemical Industry
Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Yin H, Yang J, Wei D, Sun J*, Guo C: Selecting suitable energy-saving distillation schemes: Making quick decisions[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2016, 107: 138-150.. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Shuo Shi. Shi S, Tan W, Sun J*: Progress in kinetic predictions for complex reaction of hydrocarbons: from mechanism studies to industrial applications[J]. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2016, 32(3): 363-378.. Reviews in Chemical Engineering
Sun Jinsheng. Sun J*, Dai L, Ma T, Guo C, Wei H, Li Z: Design-oriented thermodynamic analysis of novel heat-integrated C5 isomeride distillation scheme on pilot scale[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2016, 22(1): 77-82.. Transactions of Tianjin University
Sun Jinsheng. Sun J*, Shi M, Wang W: Ethanol-water near-azeotropic mixture dehydration by compound starch-based adsorbent[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2015, 21(5): 427-432.. Transactions of Tianjin University
Hong Gao. Gao H, Ma J, Gao L, Yu D, Sun J*: Thermal cycling aging effects on the ratcheting behavior of anisotropic conductive film[J]. Soldering &Surface Mount Technology, 2015, 27(4): 185-194.. Soldering &Surface Mount Technology
Shuo Shi,. Shi S, Tan W, Liu L, Sun J*: Olefin profile prediction of naphtha pyrolysis using a feeding-independent continuous lumping method with mechanism analysis[J]. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2015, 112: 150-163.. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis
PENG WU. Wu P, Gao H, Sun J*, JiY: Characterization of biomass adsorbent ZSG-1 through isopropanol and water azeotrope dehydration[J]. Chemical Engineering Communications, 2015, 202(2): 252-259.. Chemical Engineering Communications
Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Dai L, Shi M, Gao H, Cao X, Liu G: Further optimization of a parallel double-effect organosilicon distillation scheme through exergy analysis[J]. Energy, 2014, 69: 370-377.. Energy
Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Luo X, Jiang S, Wang W, Lyu H, Wang P,Gao H: Computational Fluid Dynamics Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Cross‐Orthogonal Fixed‐Valve Tray[J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2014, 37(3): 383-391.. Chemical Engineering & Technology
Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Wang W, Wang P, Luo X,ShiM, Gao H, Ren X: Biosorptive distillations to purify isopropanol: improvements over the current process in terms of energy consumption and exergy[J]. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 9(2): 293-302.. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering
Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Wang W, Wang P, H Lv, Luo X, Gao H: Characterization of a Compound Starch-Based Adsorbent for Alcohol—Water Azeotrope Dehydration[J]. Adsorption Science & Technology, 2013, 31(9): 829-843.. Adsorption Science & Technology
Xubo Luo. Luo X, Sun J*, Ren J, Gao H, Li L, Pan C: CFD Simulation of a Large-diameter Combined Gas Distributor[C]// International Conference on Simulation & Modeling Methodologies. 2013.. International Conference on Simulation & Modeling Methodologies