- 教师名称:刘俊杰
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Junjie
- 出生日期:1969-08-05
- 性别:男
- 职务:“室内空气环境质量控制”天津市重点实验室主任
- 职称:教授
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[51] Liu Lumeng, Tan Shiliang Johnathan, Horikawa Toshihide, Do DD*, Nicholson D, Liu Junjie. Water adsorption on carbon - A review[J]. Advances In Colloid And Interface Science, 2017,250:64-78.
上一条:[52] Tang Zhanqi*, Cui Xujia, Guo Yong, Jiang Nan, Dai Shen, Liu Junjie. Near fields of gasper jet flows with wedged nozzle in aircraft cabin environment[J].Building And Environment, 2017:99-110. 下一条:[50] Yang Changwei, Zhang Xiwen, Yao Zhaohui, Cao Xiaodong, Liu Junjie, He Feng*. Numerical study of the instantaneous flow fields by large eddy simulation and stability analysis in a single aisle cabin model[J].Building And Environment, 2016,96:1-11.