- 教师名称:刘俊杰
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Junjie
- 出生日期:1969-08-05
- 性别:男
- 职务:“室内空气环境质量控制”天津市重点实验室主任
- 职称:教授
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[90] Hou Jing, Sun Yuexia*, Chen Qingyan, Cheng Rongsai, Liu Junjie, Shen Xiong, Tan Hongwei, Yin Haiguo, Huang Kailiang, Gao Yao. Air change rates in urban Chinese bedrooms[J]. Indoor Air, 2019,29(5):828-839.
上一条:[91] Dai Xilei, Liu Junjie*, Zhang Xin, Chen Wenhua. An artificial neural network model using outdoor environmental parameters and residential building characteristics for predicting the nighttime natural ventilation effect[J]. Building And Environment, 2019,159. 下一条:[89] Jia Lizhi, Liu Junjie*, Wang Congcong, Cao Xuan, Zhang Zhiwei. Study of the thermal performance of a novel dew point evaporative cooler[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,160.