- 教师名称:刘俊杰
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Junjie
- 出生日期:1969-08-05
- 性别:男
- 职务:“室内空气环境质量控制”天津市重点实验室主任
- 职称:教授
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[166] Xue Min, Liu Junjie, Zhao Lei, Pei Jingjing*. Identification of odour compounds emitted by wooden boards with the presence of indoor ozone[J]. Building And Environment, 2022,221.
上一条:[167] Chen Ruiqing, Shiue Angus, Liu Junjie*, Zhi Yuan, Zhang Dingchao, Xia Fiona, Leggett Graham. Integrated on-site collection and off-site analysis of airborne molecular contamination in cleanrooms for integrated circuit manufacturing processes[J].Building And Environment, 2022,214. 下一条:[165] Zhang Xin, Liu Junjie*, Liu Xuan, Liu Chaojun, Chen Qingyan. HEPA filters for airliner cabins : State of the art and future development[J]. Indoor Air, 2022,32(9).