- 教师名称:陈志华
- 教师拼音名称:Chen Zhi Hua
- 出生日期:1966-10-08
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
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Wu Yingjun, Chen Zhihua, .Sun Tao et al. Numerical simulation of wind interference among tall buildings and analysis of its wind environment [J], 2010
上一条:Liu Zhansheng, Chen Zhihua. Reliability analysis of pre-stressed steel structure in regards to temperature action [J]. 2010 下一条:Chen Zhihua, Lu Zhengran, Wang Xiaodun, Zhang Su, Tian Yajun, Tang Qingxuan. Dynamic performance test and estimation of reinforcement effect on a workshop after column-cut supported by joist [J]. 2010