- 教师名称:刘正先
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Zhengxian
- 性别:女
- 职务:Vicedirector of the Department of Mechanics
- 职称:教授
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• Liu Zhengxian, Zhang Jishen, Ping Yan, Numerical analysis and verification of turbulent characteristics for the impinging jet flow in air vents of aircraft cabin, Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology), 2014, 47(4): 292-297
上一条:• Liu Zhengxian, Zhu Chang, Han Bo, Similarity analysis of aerodynamic performance on a centrifugal compressor stage with real gas. Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology), 2016, 49(7): 721-727 下一条:• Liu Zhengxian, Zhang Xiaoxing, Zhang Lijie, Luo Jisheng, Turbulence model for round jet flow based on modification of grid numerical dissipation, Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology, 2015, 27(4): 853-859