- 教师名称:孙井梅
- 教师拼音名称:Sun Jingmei
- 出生日期:1973-06-17
- 性别:女
- 学科:环境科学与工程、市政工程
- 职称:教授
1. Collaboration of Ca(NO3)2 -CaO2 with iron-reducing bacteria for organic contaminated urban-river sediment remediation: effect and metabolic mechanism[J].Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
2. A new enrichment strategy of dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria for remediation of organic-contaminated river sediments: process, performance, and mechanism[J].International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2025, 196: 105944.
3. The effects and mechanism of organic matter degradation in river sediment driven by humic-reducing bacteria[J]. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2024, 67: 106150.
4. Development of a comprehensive pollution evaluation system based on entropy weight-fuzzy evaluation model for urban rivers: A case study in North China[J]. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2024, 67: 106192.
5. Synergistic effect of Ca(NO3)2-CaO2 on the improvement of sediment microecology: Transformation of sulfur and ferrous iron, and improvement mechanism[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024, 190: 876-884.
6. Induced domestication of humic reduction-denitrification coupled baeteriaimproved treatment of sediment: Performance, remediation effect, andmetabolic mechanisms,[J],Environmental Research,Volume 251, 2024,118761
7. Fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activity as a sensitive tool to quantify nitrogen/sulfur gene content in urban river sediments in China.[J] Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023,30(22):62544-62552.
8. The mechanism of C–N–S interconnection degradation in organic-rich sediments by Ca(NO3)2 – CaO2 synergistic remediation,Environmental Research,Volume 214, Part 2,2022,113992,ISSN 0013-9351
9. An improved method of fluorescein diacetate determination for assessing the effects of pollutants on microbial activity in urban river sediments. J Soils Sediments 22, 2792–2801 (2022).
10. Bacterial community and its response to environmental factors in river sediment from downtown of Tianjin, China[J]. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2021;30(5):4059–4068
11. The remediation of urban freshwater sediment by humic-reducing activated sludge[J].Environmental pollution,265 (2020) 115038
12. Evaluation and correction on quinones' quantification errors: Derived from the coexistence of different quinone species and pH-sensitive feature [J]. Chemosphere, 2019, 230:67-75
13. 外源硫输入对城市水体黑臭化的诱导效应 [J]. 中国给水排水, 2024, 40 (07): 6-12.
14. 腐殖质还原菌特性及其在河道修复中的应用[J].环境化学,2022,41(09):2986-2994.
15. DNF-O3-BAC工艺深度处理石化尾水的效能和机理[J]. 环境工程学报,2019,13(11),2646-2653.