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Selected Papers
Fang Kan
Associate professor
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Selected Papers
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Academic Achievements
Selected Papers
D. Wang, K. Fang*, W. Luo, W. Ouyang. Approximation algorithms for mixed batch scheduling on parallel machines. Journal of the Operational Research Society 75(12): 2365-2374, 2024. (ABS3)
K. Fang, W. Luo*, M.L. Pinedo, M. Jin, L. Lu. Rescheduling for new orders on a single machine with rejection. Journal of the Operational Research Society 75(2): 346-360, 2024. (ABS3)
Z. Mao, Y. Xu, K. Fang, C. Wang, D. Huang*. An adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for parallel assembly lines scheduling problem with complex fixture constraints. Computers & Industrial Engineering 188: 109900, 2024. (ABS2)
Z. Mao, J. Zhang, K. Fang, D. Huang*, Y. Sun. Balancing U-type assembly lines with human-robot collaboration. Computers & Operations Research 159: 106359, 2023. (ABS3)
S. Chen, Y. Qiu*, J. Li, K. Fang, K. Fang*; Precision marketing for financial industry using a PU-learning recommendation method. Journal of Business Research 160: 113771, 2023 (ABS3)
D. Huang, Z. Mao, K. Fang*, L. Chen. Solving the shortest path interdiction problem via reinforcement learning. International Journal of Production Research 61(1): 31-48, 2023. (ABS3)
F. Liu, K. Fang*, J. Tang, Y. Yin. Solving the rotating seru production problem with dynamic multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, Journal of Management Science and Engineering 7(1): 48-66, 2022.
D. Huang, Z. Mao, K. Fang*, B. Yuan. Combinatorial Benders decomposition for mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem. International Journal of Production Research 60(8): 2598-2624, 2022. (ABS3)
K. Fang, S. Wang*, M.L. Pinedo, L. Chen, F. Chu. A combinatorial Benders decomposition algorithm for parallel machine scheduling with working-time restrictions. European Journal of Operational Research 291(1): 128-146, 2021. (ABS4)
K. Fang*, W. Luo, A. Che. Speed scaling in two-machine lot-streaming flow shops with consistent sublots. Journal of the Operational Research Society 72(11): 2429-2441, 2021. (ABS3)
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