Personal Information

Date of Birth:1982-03-17
Date of Employment:2017-09-08


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Personal Profile

Dr Guo got his PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His specialized research areas are Geosynthetics used in geotechnical/coastal Engineering; Soil improvement; Laboratory & in-situ testing of soil properties. Dr Guo has published 85 journal papers and more than 25 internal conference papers. He was involved in three super large projects including a 10 million project “Underwater Infrastructure and Underwater City of the Future” funded by National Research Foundation of Singapore. He was awarded the Recruitment Program in 2017. Dr Guo is also the editorial board member of SCI journal Geotextiles and Geomembranes (Elsevier, IF=5.292). 

2008.1  to  2012.12
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) | Civil Engineering | PhD
2005.9  to  2007.7
Tianjin University | Geotechnical Engineering | Master Degree
2001.9  to  2005.7
Jinan University | Civil Engineering | Bachelor Degree

2017.7  to  Now
 School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University 
2015.7  to  2017.6
 School of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Nanyang Technological University (SG) 
2013.1  to  2015.6
 School of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Nanyang Technological University (SG) 
2012.2  to  2012.12
 School of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Nanyang Technological University (SG) 
2011.10  to  2011.12
 Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering | Iowa state University (US) 

 Seawater Space
Geosynthetic Engineering
Ground Improvement

国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Built Environment (IF=2.111)编委
国际SCI期刊Geotextiles and Geomembranes (IF=5.292)编委
2017.1  to  Now
Editorial board membership of SCI journal Geotextiles and Geomembranes (Elsevier), IF=2.870

Research Group

Name of Research Group:海洋空间开发与利用

Description of Research Group:海洋是人类赖以生存和发展的第二空间,随着人类开发利用技术的日渐成熟,海洋空间将成为人类活动的重要舞台。我国是海洋大国,中共十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的中共中央高度重视海洋事业发展,把建设海洋强国融入“两个一百年”奋斗目标。现代海洋空间资源的开发范围逐步向深海及海底延伸,服务于工业、农业、军事、交通运输等多个领域。海洋空间资源的开发利用对于缓解沿海地区人地矛盾、开发海洋资源、扩展人类生存空间具有不可估量的价值。随着技术的发展,海洋空间的开发与利用已成为全球的热点。