





  • · 2015.9 - 2019.6

    天津大学   - 微电子学与固体电子学   - 博士

  • · 2013.8 - 2015.9

    天津大学   - 微电子学与固体电子学   - 硕士

  • · 2009.9 - 2013.7

    天津大学   - 电子科学与技术   - 学士

  • · 2006.9 - 2009.6



  • · 2016.10 - 2018.4

    ECE → University of Florida  → 国家公派联合培养博士,合作导师:Yier Jin教授,Mark M. Tehranipoor教授(IEEE Fellow)。 

  • · 2019.8 - 2021.9

    集成电路学院 → 清华大学  → 博士后,助理研究员,合作导师:刘雷波教授(长江学者)、魏少军教授(IEEE Fellow,CIE Fellow)。 


  • · 数字集成电路(全流程)设计、集成电路硬件安全、硬件形式化验证、密码芯片设计与安全分析等。


  • · 杭州技师学院学术顾问

  • · 天津市企业科技特派员





2024.01-至今 天津大学,微电子学院,英才副教授。

2021.10-2023.12 天津大学,微电子学院,副研究员。

2024.08.09-08.22 马来西亚理工大学,天津大学2024年海外创新项目,客座教授。

2019.08-2021.09 清华大学,博士后,助理研究员,合作导师:刘雷波教授(长江学者)、魏少军教授(IEEE FellowCIE Fellow)

2015.09-2019.06 天津大学,微电子学与固体电子学,博士,导师:赵毅强教授。

2016.10-2018.04 美国佛罗里达大学,国家公派联合培养博士,合作导师:Yier Jin(金意儿)教授,Mark M. Tehranipoor教授(IEEE Fellow)

2013.08-2015.09 天津大学,微电子学与固体电子学,硕士。

2009.09-2013.07 天津大学,电子科学与技术,学士。

2006.09-2009.06 河北衡水中学。



1.         寄存器传输级安全分析方法,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,项目首席。

2.         基于智能网联的车规芯片信息安全关键测评技术研究,智能汽车安全技术全国重点实验室2024年度开放基金课题,项目负责人。

3.         面向可重构密码芯片的侧信道脆弱性定位与安全防护技术研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目负责人。

4.         纳米级芯片硬件综合安全评估关键技术研究,国家重点研发计划项目,课题子任务负责人。

5.         面向融合RTL芯片设计的安全漏洞形式化验证技术研究,天津市自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人。

6.         基于门级信息流追踪的集成电路信息机密性安全形式化验证技术研究,CCF-华为胡杨林基金-可信计算领域专项,项目负责人。

7.         汽车芯片产业链技术形势发展报告(调研),中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司委托项目,项目负责人。

8.         2022年天津大学自主创新基金,项目负责人。

9.         2023年天津大学自主创新基金,项目负责人。

10.     动态局部重构密码芯片侧信道安全高层次评估技术研究,中国博士后科学基金第1批特别资助(站前),项目负责人。

11.     集成式开环霍尔电流传感器关键技术和工艺的研制,天津市重点研发计划-京津冀协同创新项目,项目第一参与人。


累计发表各类论文50余篇,包含IEEE TIFSIEEE TCAS-IIEEE TCADIEEE TVLSIIEEE JETCASIEEE D&TACM TECSIntegration等高水平期刊和DACICCADASP-DACHOSTAsian-HOST等高水平会议,授权发明专利近20余项,出版专著(章节)1本,参与出版教材1本。


1.         《集成电路工程技术人员-集成电路基础知识》,北京,中国人事出版社,2023年。


1.         Gao, Y., Ma, H., Zhang, Q., Song, X., Jin, Y., He, Jiaji*, & Zhao, Y.* (2024). EMSIM+: Accelerating Electromagnetic Security Evaluation with Generative Adversarial Network and Transfer Learning." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS).

2.         Li, Y., Geng, J., Ye, M., He, Jiaji, Zheng, X., Wang, Q., & Zhao, Y. (2024). "A CMOS Readout Circuit for Resistive Tactile Sensor Array Using Crosstalk Suppression and Nonuniformity Compensation Techniques." IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems.

3.         Gao, Y., Zhang, Q., Song, X., Ma, H., He, Jiaji*, & Zhao, Y.* (2024). "EO-Shield: A Shield-Based Protection Scheme Against Both Invasive and Non-Invasive Attacks." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.

4.         Zhao, Y., Pan, S., Ma, H., Gao, Y., Song, X., He, Jiaji*, & Jin, Y. (2023). "Side Channel Security Oriented Evaluation and Protection on Hardware Implementations of Kyber." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I): Regular Papers.

5.         Ma, H., Panoff, M., He, Jiaji*, Zhao, Y.*, & Jin, Y. (2023). "EMSIM: A Fast Layout Level Electromagnetic Emanation Simulation Framework for High Accuracy Pre-Silicon Verification." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 18, 1365-1379.

6.         Zhao, Y., Shi, B., Zhang, Q., Yuan, Y., & He, Jiaji*. (2023). "Research on Cache Coherence Protocol Verification Method Based on Model Checking." Electronics, 12(16), 3420.

7.         Hu, B., Zhao, Y., Zhou, G., He, Jiaji, Liu, C., Liu, Q., ... & Li, Y. (2023). "Coupling Dilated Encoder–Decoder Network for Multi-Channel Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Full-Waveform Denoising." Remote Sensing, 15(13), 3293.

8.         Wang, Q., Ye, M., Li, Y., Zheng, X., He, Jiaji, Du, J., & Zhao, Y. (2023). "MOSFET modeling of 0.18μm CMOS technology at 4.2 K using BP neural network." Microelectronics Journal, 105678.

9.         Zhang, Q., Liu, L., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Z., He, Jiaji*, Gao, Y., Li, Y., Guo, X. and Zhao, Y. * (2022). "A Gate-Level Information Leakage Detection Framework of Sequential Circuit Using Z3." Electronics, 11(24), p.4216.

10.     Li, D., Zhang, Q., Zhao, D., Li, L., He, Jiaji*, Yuan, Y. and Zhao, Y.* (2022). "Hardware Trojan Detection Using Effective Property-Checking Method." Electronics, 11(17), 2649.

11.     Hu, B., Zhao, Y.*, He, Jiaji*, Liu, Q. and Chen, R. (2022). "A Classification Method for Airborne Full-Waveform LiDAR Systems Based on a Gramian Angular Field and Convolution Neural Networks." Electronics, 11(24), p.4114.

12.     Tang, W., Su, J., He, Jiaji, & Gao, Y. (2022). "A Deep Learning Method Based on the Attention Mechanism for Hardware Trojan Detection." Electronics, 11(15), 2400.

13.     Deng, C., Zhu, M., Yang, J., Wu, Y., He, Jiaji, Yang, B., ... & Liu, L. (2022). "An energy-efficient dynamically reconfigurable cryptographic engine with improved power/EM-side-channel-attack resistance." Science China Information Sciences, 65(4), 1-2.

14.     He, Jiaji, Guo, X., Tehranipoor, M., Vassilev, A. and Jin, Y. (2021). "EM Side Channels in Hardware Security: Attacks and Defenses." IEEE Design & Test, 39(2), 100-111.

15.     He, Jiaji, Ma, H., Panoff, M., Wang, H., Zhao, Y., Liu, L., Guo, X. and Jin, Y. (2021). "Security Oriented Design Framework for EM Side-Channel Protection in RTL Implementations." IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 41(8), 2421-2434.

16.     Shi, Z., Ma, H., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., & He, Jiaji*. (2021). "Test Generation for Hardware Trojan Detection Using Correlation Analysis and Genetic Algorithm." ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 20(4), 1-20.

17.     Ma, H., He, Jiaji, Panoff, M., Jin, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2021). "Automatic On-Chip Clock Network Optimization for Electromagnetic Side-Channel Protection." IEEE Journal on emerging and selected topics in circuits and systems, 11(2), 371-382.

18.     Liu, Y., He, Jiaji, Ma, H., Qu, T., & Dai, Z. (2021). "A Comprehensive Evaluation of Integrated Circuits Side-Channel Resilience Utilizing Three-Independent-Gate Silicon NanoWire Field Effect Transistors based Current Mode Logic." IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 41(10), 3228-3238.

19.     He, Jiaji, Ma, H., Liu, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2020). "Golden Chip-Free Trojan Detection Leveraging Trojan Trigger’s Side-Channel Fingerprinting." ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 20(1), 1-18.

20.     Ma, H., He, Jiaji*, Liu, Y., Kuai, J., Li, H., Liu, L., & Zhao, Y. (2020). "On-Chip Trust Evaluation Utilizing TDC-Based Parameter-Adjustable Security Primitive." IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 40(10), 1985-1994.

21.     Ma, H., He, Jiaji*, Liu, Y., Liu, L., Zhao, Y., & Jin, Y. (2020). "Security-Driven Placement and Routing Tools for Electromagnetic Side Channel Protection." IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 40(6), 1077-1089.

22.     Liu, Y., He, Jiaji, Ma, H., & Zhao, Y. (2020). "Golden chip free Trojan detection leveraging probabilistic neural network with genetic algorithm applied in the training phase." Science China Information Sciences, 63, 1-3.

23.     He, Jiaji, Guo, X., Meade, T., Dutta, R. G., Zhao, Y., & Jin, Y. (2019). "SoC Interconnection Protection through Formal Verification." Integration, 64, 143-151.

24.     He, Jiaji, Zhao, Y., Guo, X., & Jin, Y. (2017). "Hardware Trojan Detection through Chip-Free Electromagnetic Side-Channel Statistical Analysis." IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 25(10), 2939-2948.


25.     Zhao, Y., Qu, G., Zhang, Q., Li, Y., Li, Z., & He, Jiaji*. (2024, April). Static Gate-Level Information Flow for Hardware Information Security with Bounded Model Checking. In 2024 IEEE 42nd VLSI Test Symposium (VTS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

26.     Gao, Y., Ma, H., Yan, M., He, Jiaji*, Zhao, Y., & Jin, Y. (2023, December). "NNLeak: An AI-Oriented DNN Model Extraction Attack through Multi-Stage Side Channel Analysis." In 2023 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

27.     Gao, Y., Zhang, Q., Ma, H., He, Jiaji*, & Zhao, Y. (2023, January). "EO-Shield: A Multi-Function Protection Scheme against Side Channel and Focused Ion Beam Attacks." In Proceedings of the 28th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) (pp. 670-675).

28.     Ma, H., Pan, S., Gao, Y., He, Jiaji, Zhao, Y., & Jin, Y. (2022, December). "Vulnerable PQC against Side Channel Analysis-A Case Study on Kyber." In 2022 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

29.     Ma, H., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., He, Jiaji, Zhao, Y. and Jin, Y. (2022, July). "PathFinder: Side Channel Protection through Automatic Leaky Paths Identification and Obfuscation." In Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) (pp. 79-84).

30.     He, Jiaji, Guo, X., Ma, H., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., & Jin, Y. (2020, July). "Runtime Trust Evaluation and Hardware Trojan Detection Using On-Chip EM Sensors." In Proceedings of the 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC).

31.     He, Jiaji, Ma, H., Guo, X., Zhao, Y., & Jin, Y. (2020, January). "Design for EM Side-Channel Security through Quantitative Assessment of RTL Implementations." In 25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC).

32.     Zhang, Q., He, Jiaji, Zhao, Y., & Guo, X. (2020, December). "A Formal Framework for Gate-Level Information Leakage Using Z3." In 2020 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). IEEE.

33.     Kuai, J., He, Jiaji, Ma, H., Zhao, Y., Hou, Y., & Jin, Y. (2020, December). "WaLo: Security Primitive Generator for RT-Level Logic Locking and Watermarking." In 2020 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). IEEE.

34.     Ma, H., He, Jiaji, Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., & Jin, Y. (2019, December). "CAD4EM-P: Security-driven placement tools for electromagnetic side channel protection." In 2019 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

35.     赵毅强, 闫明凯, 张启智, 高雅, 夏显召, 郭阳, ... & 何家骥*. (2024). 基于多阶段相关功耗分析的 SM4-XTS 侧信道分析方法. 电子与信息学报(卓越行动“中文领军期刊”), 47, 1-9.

36.     赵毅强,高雅,马浩诚,张启智,叶茂,夏显召,何家骥. 软件定义主动屏蔽层生成及防护技术研究[J].电子学报,2022,50(06):1381-1388.

37.     赵毅强,蒯钧,马浩诚,张启智,高雅,叶茂,何家骥*. 基于遗传算法的抗网表逆向攻击逻辑混淆方法[J]. 电子与信息学报(卓越行动“中文领军期刊”),45(1), 96-105.

38.     赵毅强,王庆雅,马浩诚,张启智,叶茂,王汉宁,何家骥*. 基于数据预处理的侧信道分析优化方法[J]. 电子与信息学报(卓越行动“中文领军期刊”), 45(1), 49-58.


1.         芯片级单环型电磁辐射测量标准单元结构,CN106449459A

2.         芯片级多环型电磁辐射测量标准单元结构,CN106449458A

3.         一种基于电磁频谱水印的IP核保护方法,CN106203183A

4.         基于环形振荡器的电路时间延时实时检测装置,CN106330149A

5.         基于电磁和延迟的硬件木马侧信道检测方法,CN106872876A

6.         基于电磁和电流的硬件木马侧信道检测方法,CN106841987A

7.         一种用于时钟切换过程的自动复位结构,CN106100621A

8.         用于减少非易失性存储器中数据残留的方法,CN105957806A


1.         2024819日,2024CCRC IT产品安全测试、认证及渗透技术研讨会,《硅前侧信道安全分析及增强EDA》报告。

2.         2024819日,2024UTM-TJU International Research Colloquium,《Side-channel analysis, methods and practices》报告。

3.         20231015日,2023年集成电路设计与自动化学术会议(CCF DAC 2023)openDACS v3.0-EDA开源论坛,《EMSim+: 基于GAN的测评优化工具》报告。

4.         20221225日,2022年密码芯片学术会议(Crypto IC 2022),《后量子密码算法硬件实现的侧信道安全分析 - Kyber为例》报告。

5.         2022730日,第一届中国计算机学会芯片大会(CCF Chip)openDACS v2.0-EDA开源论坛,《EMSim: 版图级芯片电磁仿真器》报告。

6.         2022729日,第一届中国计算机学会芯片大会(CCF Chip)暨第七届全国硬件安全论坛,《PathFinder: Side Channel Protection through Automatic Leaky Paths Identification and Obfuscation》报告。

7.         2022325日,北京未来芯片技术高精尖创新中心,《车载安全芯片测评与增强技术》报告。

8.         2021113日,中汽中心第三届科技周车联网测试技术研讨会,《汽车芯片硬件安全技术研究》报告。


1.         长期担任国际高水平期刊IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits And System (TCAD)IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI)Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)Computers & SecurityMicroelectronics ReliabilityTsinghua Science and Technology、《电子学报》《电子与信息学报》等期刊审稿人。

2.         Electronics客座编辑。

3.         2021, 2022, 2023 ASP-DAC技术程序委员会成员(TPC Member)

4.         2022 AsianHOST会议分论坛主席(Session Chair)

5.         2023 AsianHOST会议Organization Community成员,Local Chair

6.         杭州技师学院,学术顾问。


1.         第一届集成电路安全挑战赛,全国二等奖,获得郭世泽院士高度评价。

2.         第八届(2024)全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛,华北赛区二等奖。

3.         2024年天津大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目,校级。

4.         2023年天津大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目,省部级。




