NIU Zhiguang

Personal Information

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Personal Profile

Prof. Niu Zhiguang received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Environmental Engineering, Tianjin University in 2005. Now he is a professor in the School of Marine Science and Technology and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University. Prof. Niu has published more than 150 journal papers, including Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Pollution, Marine Pollution Bulletin, etc. His research interests are currently focused on the environmental risk assessment and emerging contaminants in the coastal belts.

Education Background

2002.3 2005.3

  • Tianjin University
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Doctoral degree

1999.9 2002.2

  • Tianjin University
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Master’s Degree

1995.9 1999.7

  • Tianjin University
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree

Work ExperienceMore>>

2023.12 Now
  • 天津大学生命科学学院
  • 院党委书记
  • 教授/博导
2014.7 Now
  • School fo Marine Science and Technology, Tianjin University
  • Department of Marine Science
  • Professor
2014.7 Now
  • School of Environmental Engineering, Tianjin University
  • Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
  • Professor

Social AffiliationsMore>>

2023.9 Now

  • Member of the New Pollutant Treatment Committee of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences

2023.5 Now

  • Excellent Review Expert of Fanke

2022.10 Now

  • Member of the Advisory group of Fuzhou Municipal People's Government

Research Focus

  • Marine Chemistry: Emerging Contaminants in the coastal belts
  • Human healthy risk assessment and ecological risk assessment