Peng Zhang

College of Intelligence and Computing

Professional Title

Associate professor

Contact Information

chool of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, Building 55, Room 529, No.135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China

Brief Introduction

Peng Zhang is currently an Associate Professor at Tianjin Key Lab. of Cognitive Computing and Application, School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University. He obtained his Ph.D degree from Robert Gordon University (RGU), Aberdeen, UK with RGU’s full scholarship, under the supervision of Prof. Dawei Song. Prior to this, he got his M.S. degree from Tianjin University, supervised by Prof. Yuexian Hou. He has been a visiting researcher at India Institute of Technology, Madras, India, in 2010, Knowledge Media Institute, UK, in 2008, 2010 and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, in 2007.

His current research interests include Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing and Quantum Cognition. He has published regular papers on refereed journals, such as IEEE TNN, IEEE TKDE, ACM TIST, ACM TALIP, IP&M and Entropy, and on top conferences, such as SIGIR, IJCAI, ACL,CIKM, WWW and EMNLP. He won the Best Paper Award Honorable Mention at SIGIR 2017, the Best Poster Award at ECIR 2011. He edited the conference proceedings of QI 2011 and AIRS 2012. He is the PI of several National Science Foundation of China projects. He severed as the PC member for a number of conferences, such as SIGIR, CIKM, ECIR, IJCAI and ICTIR, etc, and the reviewer for refereed journal articles. He served as the local conference co-chair for QI 2011 conference, the proceedings chair for AIRS 2012, and the poster&demo co-chair for AIRS 2015.

Education Background
  • Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy| Robert Gordon University| Computer Science| 2013
  • M.S. Master of Science| Tianjin University| 2008
  • Bachelor| Tianjin University of Finance and Economics| Information Management & Information System| 2005
Research Interests
  • Information Retrieval
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Quantum Cognition
Positions & Employments
  • 2013.3-2019.12

    School of Computer Science and Technology | Tianjin University 
Academic Achievements
Tianjin Key Lab. of Cognitive Computing and Application