Robert Mark Ellam
- 教师拼音名称:Robert Mark Ellam
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
- 所属院系:地球系统科学学院
The Man who found time – James Hutton and the discovery of Earth’s antiquity (book review)
- 简介:There are three men whose contributions helped free science from the straitjacket of theology. Two of the three-Nicolaus Copernicus and Charles Darwin-are widely known and heralded for their breakthroughs. The third, James Hutton, never received the same recognition, yet he profoundly changed our understanding of the earth and its dynamic forces. Hutton proved that the earth was likely millions of years old rather than the biblically determined six thousand, and that it was continuously being shaped and re-shaped by myriad everyday forces rather than one cataclysmic event. In this expertly crafted narrative, Jack Repcheck tells the remarkable story of this Scottish gentleman farmer and how his simple observations on his small tract of land led him to a theory that was in direct confrontation with the Bible and that also provided the scientific proof that would spark Darwin's theory of evolution.
- 第一作者姓名:Jack Repcheck
- ISBN:13 978-0465013371
- 是否译成外文:否