- 教师名称:任翔
- 教师拼音名称:Xiang Ren
- 出生日期:1986-10-13
- 性别:男
- 学科:电子工程
- 职称:副教授
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TJU-BioMEMS > 学术成就 > 论文成果
Wonil Nam, Xiang Ren, Inyoung Kim, Jeannine Strobl, Masoud Agah, Wei Zhou*, Plasmonically Calibrated Label-free Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Improved Multivariate Analysis of Living Cells in Cancer Subtyping and Drug Testing, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, vol.93, 4601-4610.
上一条:Vivek Yadav, Nicholas Chong, Bradley Ellis, Xiang Ren, Satyajyoti Senapati, Hsueh-Chia Chang, Pinar Zorlutuna*, Constant-potential environment for activating and synchronizing cardiomyocytes colonies with on-chip ion-depleting perm-selective membranes, Lab on a Chip, 2020, vol. 20, iss.22, 4273-4284. 下一条:Xiang Ren, Jorge Gomez, Mohammad Khairul Bashar, Jiaying Ji, Uryan Isik Can, Hsueh-Chia Chang, Nikhil Shukla, Suman Datta, Pinar Zorlutuna*, Cardiac muscle-cell-based coupled oscillator network for collective computing, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2021, vol.4, iss.4, 2000253