College of Intelligence and Computing
Associate professor
Building 55, Room 516, No.135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China
I am mainly interested in social computing, with a focus on the analysis of social media content, and the pattern mining of the individual behavior. I am also interested in natural language processing technologies, especially in the semantic analysis and machine translation.
My current research topics are the modeling of social interrelationship with interactive language between individuals and their topological features in social network. Ongoing work include: (1) Measuring individuals’ asymmetric opinions on their online social interrelationship by synthetizing the interactive language and social network features; (2) Investigating how one’s social relationships influence his language use in social interaction; (3) Profiling the connotation of online social relationship by analyzing the content of interactive language.
- Ph.D.| Harbin Institute of Technology| Computer Science and Technology| 2009
- Master's Degree| Dalian University of Technology| Computer Science and Technology| 2005
- Bachelor’s Degree| Harbin Institute of Technology| Computer Science and Technology| 2002
- Social Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Sociolinguistics & Social Psychology
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 Open University  -
 Tianjin University  -
 Robert Gordon University  -
 University of Padua 
- Papers
- [1] Bo Wang*, Yingjun Sun, Bo Han, Yuexian Hou, Dawei Song. Extending the Balance Theory by Measuring Bidirectional Opinions with Interactive Language. In Proceedings of the 26th international conference on World Wide Web, Poster, WWW'17 CCF-A
- [2] Bo Wang*, Yingjun Sun, Yuexian Hou, Dawei Song, Position vs. Attitude: How Topological Factors Influence Our Difference in the Attitudes on Online Interrelationships? A Case Study with Language Use. COLLABORATECOM 2017 CCF-C
- [3] Bo Wang*, Yanshu Yu, Peng Zhang. Investigation of the Subjective Asymmetry of Social Interrelationship with Interactive Language. In Proceedings of the 25th international conference on World Wide Web, p121-122, Poster, WWW'16 CCF-A
- [4] Ruifang He*, Jiliang Tang, Pinghua Gong, Qinghua Hu, Bo Wang. Multi-Document Summarization via Group Sparse Learning. Information Sciences, Vol349-350, p12-24. 2016 CCF-B
- [5] Yinghui Wang, Bo Wang*, Xunlun Li. A Case Study of Mining and Correlation Analysis of Public Security Events in Heterogeneous and Unstructured Web Messages. In Proceedings of the 13th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference, WISA’16.
- [6] Dawei Song, Yanjie Shi, Peng Zhang, Qiang Huang, Udo Kruschwitz, Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang. Incorporating Intra-Query Term Dependencies in an Aspect Query Language Model. Computational Intelligenc, Vol31, No.4, p699-720. 2015 CCF-B
- [7] Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang*, Dawei Song, Xiaochun Cao, Wenjie Li, Quadratic Tsallis Entropy Bias and Generalized Maximum Entropy models, Computational Intelligence, Vol.30, No.2, p 233–262. 2014 CCF-B
- [8] Bo Wang*, Ming Zhou, Shujie Liu,Mu Li, Dongdong Zhang Woodpecker: An Automatic Methodology for Machine Translation Diagnosis with Rich Linguistic Knowledge, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.30, No.5, p1407-1424, September 2014.
- [9] Bo Wang*, Yuanyuan Zhang, Qian Xu, Sentence-level Combination of Machine Translation Outputs with Syntactically Hybridized Translations, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. Vol.E97-D, No.1.2014, 164-167.
- [10] Bo Wang*, Yingjun Sun, Cheng Tang, Yang Liu, A Visualization Toolkit for Online Social Network Propagation and Influence Analysis With Content Features, In Proc. ICOT 2014.
- [11] Ri Qu, Yiping Ma, Bo Wang, Yanru Bao*. Relationship among locally maximally entangleable states, W states, and hypergraph states under local unitary transformations, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 2013; 87 (5)
- [12] Bo Wang*, Yuexian Hou, Measurement of Incompatible Probability in Information Retrieval:A Case Study with User Clicks, Transactions of Tianjin University, v 19, n 1, p 37-42, February 2013.
- [13] Bo Wang*, Fanqi Meng, Yuexian Hou, Mining bilingual linguistic patterns with aligned and parsed Bilingual Corpus, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, v 7, n 12, p 62-68, July 2012.
- [14] Bo Wang*, Tiejun Zhao, Muyun Yang, Sheng Li. Discover Linguistic Patterns in Parsed Corpus with Frequent Subrtree Mining, International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (WKDD 2010), Jan 9-10, 2010, Phuket, Thailand
- [15] Bo Wang*, Tiejun Zhao, Muyun Yang. A Skip-Ngram Approach of Automatic Evaluation for Machine Translation. In Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 1279-1286, May 2009.
- [16] Bo Wang*, Tiejun Zhao, Muyun Yang, Sheng Li. Automatic Syntactic Segment Filtration for Mass Syntax Corpus with Mutual Information, International Conference on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering (FITME 2009), Sanya, China, pp 234-237, Dec 13-14, 2009
- [17] Bo Wang*, Tiejun Zhao, Muyun Yang, Hongfei Jiang and Sheng Li. Stability vs. Effectiveness: Improved Sentence-level Combination of Machine Translation Based on Weighted MBR, International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP 2009), Singapore, Dec 7-9, 2009
- [18] Bo Wang*, Tiejun Zhao, Muyun Yang. References Extension for the Automatic Evaluation of MT by Syntactic Hybridization. In the 3rd Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST3), NAACL HLT, Boulder, Colorado, June, 2009
- [19] Ming Zhou*, Bo Wang, Shujie Liu, Mu Li, Dongdong Zhang, Tiejun Zhao. Diagnostic Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems Using Automatically Constructed Linguistic Check-Points. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008), Manchester, UK, pp.1121-1128, August 2008. CCF-B
- [20] Bo Wang*, Muyun Yang, Sheng Li, Tiejun Zhao. Evaluation of All-words WSD for Chinese in Machine Translation. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, Vol. 34, pp. 535-541, 2008.
- Books
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- Honors & Awards
- [1] The analysis of the propagation and influence of topics in social media with user profiles. The Tianjin Natural Science Foundation. (2014-2016)
- [2] The automatic white-box evaluation of the natural language processing system. The National Natural Science Foundation of China. (2012-2014)
- [3] Domain adaptation of S2S, Bing Dictionary and Bing Translator with web mined and crowd sourced translation knowledge. MSRA UR Project. (2012)
- [4] The key Technologies of Knowledge Understanding and Reasoning in Human like Intelligence. The National High-tech R&D Program of China (“863” Project). (2015-2017)
- [5] The basic theory and method of language information processing and depth computation in Internet Environment. Chinese National Program on Key Basic Research Project (“973” Project). (2013-2017)