Wang Bo

College of Intelligence and Computing

Professional Title

Associate professor

Contact Information

Building 55, Room 516, No.135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China

Brief Introduction

I am mainly interested in social computing, with a focus on the analysis of social media content, and the pattern mining of the individual behavior. I am also interested in natural language processing technologies, especially in the semantic analysis and machine translation.

My current research topics are the modeling of social interrelationship with interactive language between individuals and their topological features in social network. Ongoing work include: (1) Measuring individuals’ asymmetric opinions on their online social interrelationship by synthetizing the interactive language and social network features; (2) Investigating how one’s social relationships influence his language use in social interaction; (3) Profiling the connotation of online social relationship by analyzing the content of interactive language.

Education Background
  • Ph.D.| Harbin Institute of Technology| Computer Science and Technology| 2009
  • Master's Degree| Dalian University of Technology| Computer Science and Technology| 2005
  • Bachelor’s Degree| Harbin Institute of Technology| Computer Science and Technology| 2002
Research Interests
  • Social Computing
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Sociolinguistics & Social Psychology
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Professional Membership
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Positions & Employments
  • 2013.3-2013.6

     Open University 
  • 2010.4-2019.12

     Tianjin University 
  • 2011.6-2011.8

     Robert Gordon University 
  • 2014.4-2014.5

     University of Padua 
Academic Achievements