Law School
Law and Policy of Biosafety and Biosecurity; Governance of Global Biosafety and Biosecurity
Yang Xue is a Professor at Law School and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Biosafety Research and Strategy(CBRS), Tianjin University, China. He focuses on biosafety and biosecurity governance. Yang has already been honored with China's top social science award for young people. He was involved in the drafting of the PRC Biosecurity Law and other related legislation. Additionally, Yang contributed to the writing of the “Proposal for the Development of a Model Code of Conduct for Biological Scientists” (BWC/CONF.VIII/WP.30), represented China at the 8th/9th BTWC Review Conference and the Meeting of Experts in 2017-2022. He played a key role as the main Chinese drafter of "The Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Scientists".
- Doctoral degree| 天津大学| 企业管理
- Master’s Degree| 天津大学| 企业管理
- Bachelor’s Degree| 西北工业大学| 市场营销
- Law and Policy of Biosafety and Biosecurity
- 全球生物安全治理;Governance of Global Biosafety and Biosecurity
No content
Law School | Tianjin University | Professor 
Law School | Tianjin University | Associate Professor 
Law School | Tianjin University | Lecturer 
- Papers
- [1] A sustainable balance between innovation and risk: How the “right to science” affects China’s medical biotechnology regulatory policy,全文链接:
- [2] The Hague Ethical Guidelines and the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines, 全文链接:
- [3] Governance of Heritable Human Gene Editing World-Wide and Beyond,全文链接:
- [4] Towards Better Governance on Biosafety and Biosecurity: China’s Advances and Perspectives in Medical Biotechnology Legislation, 全文链接:
- [5] Are we ready for the revision of the 14-day rule? Implications from Chinese legislations guiding human embryo and embryoid research, 全文链接:
- [6] Building and implementing a multi-level system of ethical code for biologists under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) of the United Nations,全文链接:
- [7] The Biological Weapons Convention should endorse the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct,Sciences Citation Index, 全文链接:
- [8] Biotechnology and Security Threats-National Responses and Prospects for International Cooperation, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Papers, No.249-March 2021。
- [9] 中国的生物安全观与治理体系,《国家安全研究》,2023, (7):77-98
- [10] 破解发展与安全的统筹治理困境 ——生物医学技术风险善治的生成逻辑与原则遵循,《社会与科学》,2022,12(4):17-34.
- [11] 前沿生物技术发展的安全威胁:应对与展望,《国际安全研究》,2020年第4期(被《中国社会科学文摘》2020年第9期转载)
- [12] 双重困境与动态平衡——生物技术两用性风险善治研究,《复旦公共行政评论》, 2021, Vol.24,11-35.
- [13] 从精准扶贫精准脱贫看习近平人权思想的特征,《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2018年第3期;
- [14] 中国合成生物技术研究立法完善——与美国和澳大利亚立法比较,《中国发展》,2018年第2期;
- [15] 《禁止生物武器公约》形势分析及中国未来履约对策研究,《军事医学(原军事医学科学院院刊)》2017年第11期;
- [16] 国际生物军控现状与展望,《学习时报》,2019年6月14日第2版;
- [17] “注重软法建设,营造生物安全良好氛围”,《科技日报(理论版)》,2020年5月24日第06版;
- [18] 防范化解前沿生物技术风险,载钟开斌主编:《防范化解科技领域重大风险》,国家行政管理出版社,2020年10月出版
- [19] 我国应对前沿生物技术安全威胁的对策建议,《世界经济调研》(中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所),2020年第47期;