Zhang Yonggen


School of Earth System Science

Professional Title

Associate professor


地下水科学与工程(Subsurface Hydrology)、土壤物理(Soil Physics)、水文与水资源(Hydrology and Water Resources)

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Wenhao Shi

Team member profile:2022.9-至今 天津大学地球系统科学学院 博士研究生
2021.7-2022.8 中国建筑科学研究院
2018.8-2021.7 天津大学地球系统科学学院生态水文与水资源研究中心,硕士研究生 (与王铁军教合带), 研究内容:天津地区土壤水力参数预测研究

Name of Research Group:Subsurface Hydrology

Description of Research Group:We focus on the vadose zone and groundwater hydrology. We now have two master students.