College of Intelligence and Computing
Associate professor
55B-313 Tianjin University, Haihe Education Park, Tianjin, China
Gaoyan Zhang currently works with Tianjin Key Lab of Cognitive Computing and Application, Tianjin University. From Dec. 2017 to Jun. 2018, she was a Guest Researcher with National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA. She was selected into the Elite Peiyang Scholar Program, Tianjin University in 2017.She has undertaken the national natural science foundations of China (NSFC) youth and general programs, artificial intelligence resources construction project of Ministry of Education, and has participated in several national projects as a key member. Till now, she has published over 40 academic papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
Her research interests focus on using signal processing, complex network and machine learning/ deep learning methods to analyze medical images (fMRI image) or medical signals (EEG signal), understand the intelligent information processing mechanism in the brain, and further promote the development of brain information decoding and brain-computer interface, human-robot interaction and artificial intelligence, and early identification of brain disorders.
Welcome highly motivated undergraduate/graduate students join the research group!
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- Intelligent information processing
- Neuroimaging computing
- brain computer interface
- Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction to Cognitive Science
- Introduction to Cognitive Science
- Introduction to Cognitive Science
- Database Application
- Java Program Design
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Neuroimaging Research Section | National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH  -
College of Intelligence and Computing | Tianjin University 
- Papers
- [1] Zhongjie Li, Gaoyan Zhang*, Shogo Okada, Longbiao Wang, Bin Zhao, Jianwu Dang. MBCFNet: A Multimodal Brain–Computer Fusion Network for human intention recognition. Knowledge-Based Systems 296 (2024) 111826.
- [2] Tianyi Zhao, and Gaoyan Zhang*. Enhancing Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis with Dynamic-Static Fusion Graph Neural Networks. IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS. DOI 10.1109/JBHI.2024.3395611
- [3] Zhongjie Li, Gaoyan Zhang∗, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang∗,Discrimination of the Different Intents Carried by the Same Text Through Integrating Multimodal Information, INTERSPEECH 2023 20-24 August 2023, Dublin, Ireland
- [4] Zhongjie Li, Gaoyan Zhang∗, Longbiao Wang, Jianguo Wei and Jianwu Dang∗,Emotion recognition using spatial-temporal EEG features through convolutional graph attention network, Journal of Neural Engineering. 20 (2023) 016046
- [5] BinZhao, GaoyanZhang*, LongbiaoWang, JianwuDang* Multimodal evidence for predictive coding in sentence oral reading. Cerebral Cortex, 2023, 1–13,
- [7] Huang J, Zhang G, Dang J, Chen Y and Miyamoto S (2023) Semantic processing during continuous speech production: an analysisfrom eye movements and EEG. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 17:1253211. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1253211
- [8] Shuang Wu, Di Zhou, Lin Gan and Gaoyan Zhang*. Study on neural entrainment to continuous speech using dynamic source connectivity analysis, Journal o neural engineering 20 (2023) 046006
- [9] Di Zhou, Gaoyan Zhang*, Jianwu Dang, Masashi Unoki, Xin Liu. Detection of Brain Network Communities During Natural Speech Comprehension From Functionally Aligned EEG Sources. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 2022,16:919215.
- [10] Chenhao Tan, Xin Liu, Gaoyan Zhang*. Inferring Brain State Dynamics Underlying Naturalistic Stimuli Evoked Emotion Changes With dHA‑HMM, 2022, Neuroinformatics,
- [11] Gaoyan Zhang*, Xin Liu. Investigation of functional brain network reconfiguration during exposure to naturalistic stimuli using graph-theoretical analysis, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2021,18 (2021) 056027.
- [12] Qiang Yu, Chenxiang Ma, Shiming Song, Gaoyan Zhang, Jianwu Dang, Kay Chen Tan. Constructing Accurate and Efficient Deep Spiking Neural Networks With Double-Threshold and Augmented Schemes. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learnign System. 2021(99):1-13.
- [13] Yue Cheng, Gaoyan Zhang* et al., Identification of minimal hepatic encephalopathy based on dynamic functional connectivity. Brain Imaging and Behavior.2021 ,
- [14] Zhongjie Li, Gaoyan Zhang*, Jianwu Dang, Longbiao Wang, Jianguo Wei. Multi Modal Emotion Recognition Based On deep Learning Of EEG And Audio Signals, IJCNN,July 18-22,2021, Shenzhen, China.
- [15] Gaoyan Zhang, Yuexuan Li et al., Identifying Mild Hepatic Encephalopathy Based on Multi-Layer Modular Algorithm and Machine Learning. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021 Jan; 14:627062.
- [16] Di Zhou, Gaoyan Zhang*, Jianwu Dang*, Shuang Wu, Zhuo Zhang. Neural Entrainment to Natural Speech Envelope Based on Subject Aligned EEG Signals, INTERSPEECH, Oct. 26-29, 2020, Shanghai, China.
- [17] Zhuo Zhang, Gaoyan Zhang*, Jianwu Dang, Shuang Wu, Di Zhou, Longbiao Wang. EEG-based Short-time Auditory Attention Detection using Multi-task Deep Learning, Interspeech, Oct. 26-29, 2020, Shanghai, China.
- [18] Jinlinag Zhang#, Gaoyan Zhang#, et al. Decoding sound categories based on whole-brain functional connectivity patterns. Brain Imaging and Behavior (in press; #: co-first author).
- [19] Gaoyan Zhang*, Yuke Si, Jianwu Dang*. Revealing the Dynamic Brain Connectivity from Perception of Speech Sound to Semantic Processing by EEG. Neuroscience. 2019, 415: 70-76.
- [20] Gaoyan Zhang, Yuexuan Li, Jinliang Zhang. Tracking the Dynamic Functional Network Interactions During Goal-Directed Auditory Tasks by Brain State Clustering. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 1220 (2019): 1-12.
- [21] L Lu, G Zhang, J Xu, B Liu.Semantically Congruent Sounds Facilitate the Decoding of Degraded Images.Neuroscience 2018, 377, 12-25
- [22] Bin Zhao, Jinfeng Huang, Gaoyan Zhang*, Jianwu Dang*, Minbo Chen, Yingjian Fu, Longbiao Wang. Revealing Spatiotemporal Brain Dynamics of Speech Production Based on EEG and Eye Movement. INTERSPEECH, Sep. 2-6,2018, Hyderabad, India.
- [23] Bin Zhao, Jianwu Dang*, Gaoyan Zhang*. EEG source reconstruction evidence for the noun-verb neural dissociation along semantic dimensions. Neuroscience, 2017, 359 (2017): 183–195 (*corresponding author; SCI).
- [24] Bin Zhao, Jianwu Dang, Gaoyan Zhang*. A Neuro-Experimental Evidence for the Motor Theory of Speech Perception, Interspeech, Aug 20-24, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (EI).
- [25] Yin Liang, Baolin Liu, Junhai Xu, Gaoyan Zhang, Xianglin Li, Peiyuan Wang, Bin Wang. Decoding facial expressions based on face-selective and motion-sensitive areas, Human Brain Mapping, 2017, 38(6):3113-3125 (SCI).
- [26] Gaoyan Zhang, Yue Cheng, Baolin Liu. Abnormalities of voxel-based whole-brain functional connectivity patterns predict the progression of hepatic encephalopathy. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2017, 11(3):784-796 (SCI).
- [27] Yuanyuan Zhang, Gaoyan Zhang, Baolin Liu. Investigation of the influence of emotions on working memory capacity using ERP and ERSP, Neuroscience, 2017, 357 (2017):338-348 (SCI).
- [28] Gaoyan Zhang, Yue Cheng, Wen Shen, Baolin Liu, Shuangshuang Xie, Lixiang Huang. The short-term effect of liver transplantation on the low-frequency fluctuation of brain activity in cirrhotic patients with and without overt hepatic encephalopathy. Brain Imaging and Behavior, in press (SCI).
- [29] Gaoyan Zhang, Li Yao, Jiahui Shen, Yihong Yang, Xiaojie Zhao. Reorganization of functional brain networks mediates the improvement of cognitive performance following real-time neurofeedback training of working memory. Human Brain Mapping, 2015, 36(5):1705-1715. (SCI).
- [30] Gaoyan Zhang, Hang Zhang, Xiaoli Li, Xiaojie Zhao, Li Yao, Zhiying Long. Functional alteration of the DMN by learned regulation of the PCC using real-time fMRI. IEEE Transactions on Neural System &Rehabilitation Engineering, 2013, 4(21):595-606 (SCI).
- Books
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- Honors & Awards
- [1] 天津大学北洋学者-青年骨干教师,2017
- [2] 天津大学优秀本科毕业设计/论文指导教师,2015,2016, 2023