School of Mathematics
Assistant professor
Bioinformatics; Computer Science
Reaserach Area:
1. Next-generation sequencing and Third-generation sequencing data analysis in transcriptomic area: I am interested in design of combinatorial algorithms and software to handle the Next-generation sequencing data, especially in plants and human RNA-seq data analysis. Currently my work is directly responding to the huge amount RNA-seq data analysis for multiple plant species.
2. Combinatorial Algorithm Design and Development of Bioinformatics Software & Web Server: I am interested in design of combinatorial algorithms based on graph models for bioinformatics problems: genome synthetic,gene expression data bi-clustering, regulatory motif analysis, orthology relationship identification, and microbial genome organization elucidation. I am also interested in implementing these algorithms into interactive web servers and intuitive standalone cross-platform software
- Doctoral degree| The University of Georgia| Bioinformatics| 2016
- Doctoral degree| Jilin University| Bioinformatics| 2016
- Master’s Degree| Jilin University| Bioinformatics| 2011
- Bachelor’s Degree| Jilin University| Computer science and technology| 2008
- Next-generation sequencing and Third-generation sequencing data analysis in transcriptomic area: I am interested in design of combinatorial algorithms and software to handle the Next-generation sequencing data, especially in plants and human RNA-seq data analysis.
- Combinatorial Algorithm Design and Development of Bioinformatics Software & Web Server: I am interested in design of combinatorial algorithms based on graph models for bioinformatics problems: genome synthetic,gene expression data bi-clustering, regulatory motif analysis and so on.
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Applied Math Center | Tianjin University | Lecturer | Assistant professor