Jianzhi Dong, W. Crow, Xi Chen, N. Tangdamrongsub, M. Gao, S. Sun, J. Qiu, L. Wei, H. Gao, and Z. Duan. Statistical uncertainty analysis-based precipitation merging (SUPER): A new framework for improved global precipitation estimation, RSE, 2022, 113299.
上一条:Jianzhi Dong, Ruzbeh Akbar, Andrew F. Feldman, Daniel Short Gianotti, and Dara Entekhabi. Land surfaces at the tipping-point for water and energy balance coupling, WRR, 2023, e2023WR035129.
下一条:Wade T. Crow, Jianzhi Dong, and Rolf H. Reichle. Leveraging pre‐storm soil moisture estimates for enhanced land surface model calibration in ungauged hydrologic basins, WRR., 2022, 58(8): e2021WR031565.