Xin Tian, Jianzhi Dong, S. Jin, Hai He, Hao Yin, and Xi Chen. Climate change impacts on regional agricultural irrigation water use in semi-arid environments, Ag.Wat. Man., 2023, e2022WR032472. 2
上一条:Jianzhi Dong, J., Xi Chen, Y. Li, M. Gao, L. Wei, N. Tangdamrongsu, and W. Crow. Inter-Basin Water Transfer Effectively Compensates for Regional Unsustainable Water Use, WRR, 2023, e2023WR035129.
下一条:Jianzhi Dong, Ruzbeh Akbar, Andrew F. Feldman, Daniel Short Gianotti, and Dara Entekhabi. Land surfaces at the tipping-point for water and energy balance coupling, WRR, 2023, e2023WR035129.