- 教师拼音名称:Dong Jianzhi
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
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- 03594a95333ba4007f113abe2fc2a26c31d092f715fc2bcedc007e8d82ab28dd32a720ee9e8b969397a7559f5028d5886164a989bc4701e08318c47240226ac3856598ca4397a4636bdd1714ad7b0b2196f2d94773e7f149d97e3f2167c5c7bcb322775d595703fc6b4c3fefeb693338b4a5b501c28571ea2edf646566ece162
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade T. Crow, and Rolf Reichle, Thomas RH Holmes, Christopher Hain, and Wade T. Crow. Improving rain/no-rain detection skill by merging precipitation estimates from different sources, JHM, 2020, 21, 2419-2429.
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade T. Crow, Kenneth J. Tobin, Michael H. Cosh, David D. Bosch, Patrick J. Starks, Mark Seyfried, and Chandra Holifield Collins. Comparison of microwave remote sensing and land surface modeling for surface soil moisture climatology estimation, RSE, 2020, 242, 111756.
· Jianzhi Dong, Lingna Wei, Xi Chen, Zheng Duan, and Yang Lu. An instrument variable based algorithm for estimating cross-correlated hydrological remote sensing errors, J. Hydro., 2020, 124413.3
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade Crow, Rolf Reichle, Qing Liu, Fangni Lei, and Michael H. Cosh. A global assessment of added value in the SMAP Level 4 soil moisture product relative to its baseline land surface model, GRL, 2019, 6604-6613.
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade Crow, Zheng Duan, Lingna Wei, and Yang Lu. A double instrumental variable algorithm for geophysical product error estimation, RSE, 2019, 225, 217–228.
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade Crow. L-band remote sensing increases sampled levels of global soil moisture–air temperature coupling strength, RSE, 2019, 220, 51–58.
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade Crow. Use of satellite soil moisture to diagnose climate model representations of European soil moisture–air temperature coupling strength, GRL, 2018, 45, 884–891.
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade Crow. The added value of assimilating remotely sensed soil moisture for estimating summertime soil moisture–air temperature coupling strength, WRR, 2018, 54, 6072–6084.
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade Crow, and Rajat Bindlish. The error structure of the SMAP single and dual channel soil moisture retrievals, GRL, 2018, 45, 758–765.
· Jianzhi Dong, Wade Crow. An improved triple collocation algorithm for decomposing autocorrelated and random observation errors, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2017, 122(13), 081–13,094.