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Rymer, M. J., J. Boatwright, L. C. Seekings, D.Yule, and Liu-Zeng, J., 2002, Triggered surface slips in the Salton Trough associated with the 1999 Hector Mine, California, earthquake, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 92(4): 1300-1317.
Release time:2021-01-27 Hits:
Pre One:Zeng, LS, Chen, J, Chen ZY, Liu J, Liang FH, Gao L., 2007, Emplacement depth of the Shidao granitic complex and the rapid exhumation of the Sulu ultrahigh pressure rocks: New constraints on the mechanisms for rapid exhumation, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(12): 3171-3179.
Next One:张智慧#, 刘静, 许强, 文力, 孙杰, 邢秀成, 胡古月, 刘延乐, 2008, 逆冲断裂的视走滑位移分析及其在5•12汶川大地震同震破裂调查中的应用, 地质学报, 82(12): 1723-1732.