- 教师拼音名称:Meng Lin
- 出生日期:1985-12-28
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
- 所属院系:医学部
- 3d2f11f7ab7a6b83cf35d37278eb02ff43b07a04918f4fa517f63e4e0c1027f1c3afc9013d727abb7adc35dedd02886b0a3c53ec669ee4bf7a3d324974ca840519fbee519693cba5de11017064a2a7cfe85253d45554f7c20fcedf7409dbc00251ac6f7efa21e1a02f80a5a313a679e33a0f5fb1518b91e4d358fb0a3cbefd0c
- 5e92f8b12444756219deedffead650b84fbb2e02b816ac60e0c71de5080dbc699973df0160c77bcf822a322beac14f05f041065c9573832275bcc1a6b23510b97a4e0e190b264a9fcfc05d593b60a906cf09c33460bfa328d3bb066e543226c96153d3328fbc4ad5fdac151e6877b0fe5d01cffa1333dec9cc472032c98a1e62
- 3b4111198c28412621f2388540f4f060040654747c2f66fdd811adefc7cae540937a6b0b268cd828daf3f588546e569cbcd67a6e507ee8e9af894934edf4bf7fde4fb7aea0d424064da7abc308c3d331c4c1156c3256925f3d7dd672711483693a88f3a4a2919df57e8b8fb08f72022c591559185a17c0a77113507640627861
· ZJ Xue, D Ming, C Zhang, L Meng, BK W, SJ Jin, “Precision Extraction of Gait Feature and Identity Authentication”, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2009 July, 7(4), 319-323.
· G Sabata, C Macleod, E B Esteban-Herreros, L Meng, M C Tejada. Motor Control and Emerging Therapies for Improving Mobility in Patients with Spasticity. In Emerging Therapies in Neurorehabilitation, pp 147-169. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
· C A Macleod, L Meng, B A Conway, and B Porr. Reflex control of robotic gait using human walking data. PloS ONE, 9(10): e109959, 2014.
· L Meng*, C A Macleod, B Porr, H Gollee. A novel multichannel functional electrical stimulation (FES) walking system based on bio-inspired reflexive robotic control. Proceddings of the iMeche, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2017, 23(4), 315-325.
· L Meng*, B Porr, and H Gollee. Technical developments of functional electrical stimulation to restore gait functions: sensing, control strategies and current commercial systems. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2017(6), 1319-1334.
· L Meng*, C A Macleod, B Porr, and H Gollee. Bipedal robotic walking control derived from analysis of human locomotion. Biological Cybernetics, 2018(2), 1-14.
· S Jiang, H Qi,, J Zhang, S Zhang, R Xu, Y Liu, L Meng, D Ming. A Pilot Study on Falling-Risk Detection Method Based on Postural Perturbation Evoked Potential Features. Sensors 2019(19), 5554.
· L Millar, L Meng, P Rowe. Routine clinical motion analysis: comparison of a bespoke real-time protocol to current clinical methods. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 22(2), 149-158.
· L Meng*, C Childs, A Buis. Evaluation of functional methods of joint centre determination for quasi-planar movement. PLOS ONE. 2019, 14(1), e0210807.
· L Meng*, U M Hernandez, C R Childs, A A. Dehghani-Sanij, A Buis. A Practical Gait Feedback Method Based on Wearable Inertial Sensors for a Drop Foot Assistance Device. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(24), 12235-12243.