Niu Zhibin
Associate professor



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Dr.Zhibin Niu is currently Associate Professor in the College of Intelligence and Computing at Tianjin University. He is a recipient of EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, Europe’s most competitive and prestigious awards. He has a mult-country study and research experience. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from Cardiff University, UK,  and he was lucky to be guided by Prof. Ralph Martin, Dr. Malcolm Sabin, and Dr.Frank Langbein. As a visiting researcher, he was also guided by Prof. Sara McMains, Prof. Vadim Shapiro at the University of California, Berkeley, US and Prof. Bert Juttler at Johannes Kepler University, Austria. He received his Master Degree in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Bachelor Degree in Automation from Tianjin University, China. His work leads the feature recognition time complexity from quadratic or exponential to linear, which is a significant breakthrough in this field.  European Commission recognize his approach as Highlighted Contributions. The core paper was listed by the top journal as one of the Most Downloaded Computer-Aided Design Articles; it was also endorsed by Airbus and Rolls-Royce. His current work mainly about Intelligence Visual Analytics and its interdisciplinary applications, such as in financial and energy domain. 

我们在基于数据挖掘的多学科交叉领域(例如,智能金融,智能能源等)展开了广泛的研究,欢迎对大数据分析,数据挖掘,计算机视觉感兴趣的同学加入(智能学部,新媒体学院,深圳佐治亚学院,中法工程师学院等均可招收)。招收类型包括:学硕、专硕和工程硕,其中工程硕保证央企实习,月薪6000+元。感兴趣的同学请联系 / 微信 wxv7015

    我们崇尚多学科,多元文化融合,加入我们团队的优秀同学,无论本科还是研究生,在读期间均有机会,获得资助赴欧洲、美国或者日本的研究机构交流学习。我们崇尚做有价值,有影响力的工作,科研论文的质量比数量远远重要,加入我们团队的本科和研究生同学的代码能力、科研和论文表述能力均会得到很好的锻炼。我会尽最大可能为同学们提供优秀的科研环境和计算资源 (目前包括两台ThinkSystemSR670-V2 刀片服务器,拥有8*NVIDIA A800,约640G显存,512G内存)。我们不开大会,我们通过频繁1:1的师生沟通,发现和解决科研问题,推动科研。


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