Guan D.X, Sun F.S , Yu G.H*, Polizzotto, M.L, Liu, Y.G. 2018, Total and available metal concentrations in soils from six long-term fertilization sites across China,Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 25(31): 31666-31678.
上一条:Sun, F.S., Yu, G.H*., Polizzotto, M.L., Ran, W., Shen, Q.R. 2019, Toward understanding the binding of Zn in soils by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and synchrotron-radiation-based spectromicroscopies, Geoderma, 337, 238-245.
下一条:Sun F.S, Li Y.Q, Wang X, Chi Z.L, Yu G.H*. 2017, Using new hetero-spectral two-dimensional correlation analyses and synchrotron-radiation-based spectromicroscopy to characterize binding of Cu to soil dissolved organic matter, Environ Pollut,223, 457-465.