- 教师拼音名称:Sun Fusheng
- 性别:男
- 职称:讲师
- 7807c62710e908d6d3b77c053e6910dd69df3d7be70b9b9bb6a08a7d252b57cf98d40b5dbd53b41658baf8e7f1375a5693dee5c15455005176cc554ef97ccba428ff9e2b991b77e815fbc64feb3a1399976d3a2dcf5f6170f29c2789a9bb986ebba145ea9f5bf40752894fe2c2f30080c7f6048b0462ada45f1a35833a8197d1
- 0c00f413b02500b8535fad7e4313add54525d8ef7da32abbc26df029c6fe87785f49f77c076b53652fd22d4044408872853e4a39c0309a4b73afed6ff1e0ccccb29f5efbf8ecd6e27c7011e71d5ea03102f314a2a134733264ff84a8d37de49ed45963bc1572e4a1bb66cb5242a95acc3b8ff45c0b58fe0af1ec05a24f067e87
· Sun, F.S., Yu, G.H*., Ning, J.Y., Zhu, X.D., Goodman, B.A. and Wu, J. 2020, Biological removal of cadmium from biogas residues during vermicomposting, and the effect of earthworm hydrolysates on Trichoderma guizhouense sporulation. Bioresour Technol, 312, 123635.
· Sun, F.S., Yu, G.H*., Zhao, X.Y., Polizzotto, M.L., Shen, Y.J., Zhou, H.B., Zhang, X., Zhang, J.C. and He, X.S. 2020, Mechanisms of potentially toxic metal removal from biogas residues via vermicomposting revealed by synchrotron radiation-based spectromicroscopies. Waste Manag, 113, 80-87.
· Sun, F.S., Yu, G.H*., Polizzotto, M.L., Ran, W., Shen, Q.R. 2019, Toward understanding the binding of Zn in soils by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and synchrotron-radiation-based spectromicroscopies, Geoderma, 337, 238-245.
· Guan D.X, Sun F.S , Yu G.H*, Polizzotto, M.L, Liu, Y.G. 2018, Total and available metal concentrations in soils from six long-term fertilization sites across China,Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 25(31): 31666-31678.
· Sun F.S, Li Y.Q, Wang X, Chi Z.L, Yu G.H*. 2017, Using new hetero-spectral two-dimensional correlation analyses and synchrotron-radiation-based spectromicroscopy to characterize binding of Cu to soil dissolved organic matter, Environ Pollut,223, 457-465.
· Sun F.S, Polizzotto M.L, Guan D.X, Wu J, Shen Q.R, Ran W, Yu G.H*. 2017, Exploring the interactions and binding sites between Cd and functional groups in soil using two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation based spectromicroscopies, J Hazard Mater, 326, 18-25.