Xu Zhanjie

School of Earth System Science

Professional Title


Contact Information


No.92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China


Brief Introduction

Dr. XU Zhanjie's research interests include (1) research on origin, transformation and deposition of the atmospheric aerosols, and (2) study on coal geology, i.e. components, combustion products and origins of coalbed seam gases and coal, and their reconstruction implication of geological atmospheric components and climate change.

Education Background
  • Doctoral degree| China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing| Mineral Resource Prospecting & Exploration| 2017
  • Bachelor’s Degree| China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing| Geological Engineering| 2012
Research Interests
  • Isotopic tracer study for origins, migration and transformation of the atmospheric aerosols;
  • Study on coal geology, components, combustion products and their stable isotopic characteristics of coalbed seam gases, shale gases, coal, and some other fossil fuels。
Professional Membership
  • Youth member of《Mineral Exploration》 editor committee
  • Membership of the Society for Organic Petrology
  • Membership of the Geographical Society of China
Positions & Employments
  • 2017.9-Now

    School of Earth System Science (Institute of Surface-Earth System Science) | Tianjin University 
  • 2015.11-2016.11

    School of Earth Sciences | The University of Queensland 
Academic Achievements