X. Fan, K. Guo, Z. Jia, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, Vibration Mode and Velocity Interference Mechanism of Tandem Cylinders at Subcritical Reynolds Number, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 199, 104136-104149.
上一条:X. Fan, Z. Wang, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, The effect of vortices structures on the flow-induced vibration of three flexible tandem cylinders, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 192, 106132-106149.
下一条:W. Tan, D. Lv, X. Guo, H. Du, L. Liu, Y. Wang*, Accident Consequence Calculation of Ammonia Dispersion in Factory Area, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2020, 67, 104271-104280.