K. Guo, N. Jiang, H. Qi, Z. Feng, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, Experimental Investigation of Impact-sliding Interaction and Fretting Wear between Tubes and Anti-vibration Bars in Steam Generators, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020, 52, 1304-1317.
上一条:L. Liu, K. Shi, X. Fan, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Risk and Characteristics Analysis of the Flow-induced Vibration of the Dip Tube in Opposed Multi-burner Gasifier, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2021, 71, 104508-104516.
下一条:W. Tan, X. Fan, L. Xu, Z. Jia, Y. Wang*, New Approach for Vibration Suppression through Restrictors on Towering Steel Structures with Supporting Frame, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 8761750.