Yan Zhifeng
School of Earth System Science
Professional Title
Environmental geography
Contact Information
Rm 610, Building No.16
Education Background
- Doctoral degree| Johns Hopkins University| Environmental Engineering| 2014
- Master’s Degree| Tsinghua University| 2010
- Bachelor’s Degree| Wuhan University| 2007
Research Interests
- Production, transport and reaction of GHG in soils
- Carbon and nitrogen cycles and their climatic and environmental impacts in aquatic ecosystems
- Integrating process-based models and AI techniques to study the interactions between C-N cycles and global changes
Professional Membership
- Carbon Neutrality青年编委
- 土壤学会碳中和与全球变化委员会委员
- 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第十届地表与生物地球化学专业委员会委员
- Environmental Earth Sciences,Associate Editor
- Frontiers in Water, Associate Editor
- Carbon Research, youth editorial board member, 2022-present
- European Journal of Soil Science, guest editor,2021-2022
Positions & Employments
School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University  -
School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University  -
Geochemistry | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] Xiaoqian He, Hui Wang, Xiaotang Ju, Zhifeng Yan*, Xia Zhu-Barker. Nitrifier denitrification can contribute to N2O emissions substantially in wet agricultural soil. 2025. Biology and Fertility of Soils
- [2] Weiwei Shi, Wenxin Wu, Hongxiang Fan, Qingqing Sun, Xueqi Niu, Shilu Wang, Si-liang Li, Shengkang Liang, Zhifeng Yan*. Estimating CO2 and CH4 fluxes from reservoirs: Model development and site-level study. 2025. Journal of Hydrology
- [3] Wu, Wenxin, Sophie A. Comer-Warner, Mike Peacock, Xingxing Han, Si-Liang Li, Xiaotang Ju, Cong-Qiang Liu, Pete Smith, and Zhifeng Yan. 2024. 'IPCC Emission Factor Overestimates N2O Emissions from Agricultural Ditches', Environmental Science & Technology.
- [4] Hui Wang, Zhifeng Yan*, Zengming Chen, Xiaotong Song, Jinbo Zhang, Si-Liang Li, Christoph Müller, Xiaotang Ju, Xia Zhu-Barker. Microbial ammonium immobilization promoted soil nitrogen retention under high moisture conditions in intensively managed fluvo-aquic soils. 2024. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
- [5] Xueqi Niu, Wenxin Wu*, Weiwei Shi, Zihuan Fu, Xingxing Han, Si-Liang Li, Zhifeng Yan*, 2024, Quantifying the contribution of methane diffusion and ebullition from agricultural ditches, Science of The Total Environment, 170912
- [6] Zihuan Fu, Zhifeng Yan*, Si-liang Li. 2024. Effects of soil pore structure on gas diffusivity under different land uses: Characterization and modelling. Soil and Tillage Research. Volume 237, 105988
- [7] Zhifeng Yan*, Baoxuan Chang, Xiaotong Song, Gangsheng Wang, Jun Shan, Liuqing Yang, Si-liang Li, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Xiaotang Ju, A microbial-explicit model with comprehensive nitrogen processes to quantify gaseous nitrogen production from agricultural soils, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109284
- [8] Jilong Wang, Guirui Yu*, Lang Han*, Yuan Yao, Mingyu Sun, Zhifeng Yan, 2024, Ecosystem carbon exchange across China's coastal wetlands: Spatial patterns, mechanisms, and magnitudes, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 345, 109859
- [9] Zihuan Fu, Zhifen Yan*, Yunqiang Wang*, 2023, The deep soil water dynamics and its environmental controls after long-term revegetation, Journal of Hydrology, Accepted
- [10] 牛雪琦、时巍巍、吴文欣、刘树伟、杨平、李思亮、晏智锋*. 2023. 内陆水体CH4冒泡排放研究进展. 地球科学进展.
- [11] Wenxin Wu, Xueqi Niu, Zhifeng Yan*, Siyue Li, Sophie A. Comer-Warner, Hanqin Tian, Si-Liang Li, Jianwen Zou, Guirui Yu, Cong-Qiang Liu. 2023. Agricultural Ditches are Hotspots of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Controlled by Nutrient Input. Water Research. 2023-06-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120271
- [12] Zhifeng Yan, Zhe Wang, Zihuan Fu, Yonggen Zhang, Xinhua Peng, Jianqiu Zheng. Microscale heterogeneity controls macroscopic soil heterotrophic respiration by regulating resource availability and environmental stress. 2023, Biogeochemistry, P1-19
- [13] Hui Wang, Zhifeng Yan*, Xiaotang Ju, Xiaotong Song, Jinbo Zhang, Siliang Li, Xia Zhu-Barker, 2023, Quantifying nitrous oxide production rates from nitrification and denitrification under various moisture conditions in agricultural soils: Laboratory study and literature synthesis, Frontiers in Microbiology
- [14] Si-Liang Li, Xin Liu, Fu-Jun Yue, Zhifeng Yan, Tiejun Wang, Songjing Li, Cong-Qiang Liu, Nitrogen dynamics in the Critical Zones of China, 2022, Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment
- [15] Baoxuan Chang, Zhifeng Yan*, Xiaotang Ju, Xiaotong Song, Yawei Li, Siliang Li, Pingqing Fu, Xia Zhu-Barker, 2022, Quantifying Biological Processes Producing Nitrous Oxide in Soil Using a Mechanistic Model, Biogeochemistry
- [16] Liang Wei, Tida Ge, Zhenke Zhu, Yu Luo, Yuanhe Yang, Mouliang Xiao, Zhifeng Yan, Yuhong Li, Jinshui Wu, Yakov Kuzyakov, 2021, Comparing carbon and nitrogen stocks in paddy and upland soils: Accumulation, stabilization mechanisms, and environmental drivers, Geoderma 398, 115121
- [17] Shaobo Sun, Tao Che, Pierre Gentine, Qiting Chen, Lichun Wang, Zhifeng Yan, Baozhang Chen, Zhaolong Song, 2021, Shallow groundwater inhibits soil respiration and favors carbon uptake in a wet alpine meadow ecosystem, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- [18] Ruichang Shen, Zhichun Lan, Jörg Rinklebe, Ming Nie, Qiwu Hu, Zhifeng Yan, Changming Fang, Bingsong Jin, Jiakuan Chen, 2021, Flooding variations affect soil bacterial communities at the spatial and inter-annual scales, Science of The Total Environment
- [19] He-Chun Piao, Si-Liang Li, Zhifeng Yan, Cai Li, 2020, Understanding nutrient allocation based on leaf nitrogen isotopes and elemental ratios in the karst region of Southwest China, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- [20] H Hu, J Wen, Z Peng, F Tian, G Ming, H Liu, Z Yan, M Yawar Ali Khan, 2020, Spatio‐temporal variations of soil moisture and salinity and their effects on cotton growth in a mulched drip irrigation field, Irrigation and Drainage
- [21] Cai Li, Si-Liang Li, Fu-Jun Yue, Jing Liu, Jun Zhong, Zhi-Feng Yan, Ruo-Chun Zhang, Zhong-Jun Wang, Sen Xu, 2019, Identification of sources and transformations of nitrate in the Xijiang River using nitrate isotopes and Bayesian model, Science of the Total Environment
- [22] Zhifeng Yan, B. Bond-Lamberty, K. Todd-Brown, V. Bailey, S. Li, C. Liu, and C. Liu*,2018,A Moisture Function of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration that Incorporates Microscale Processes,Nature Communications,9.
- [23] Zhifeng Yan, T. Wang, L. Wang, X. Yang, P. Smith, M. Hilpert, S. Li, J. Shang, V. Bailey, and C. Liu*,2018,Microscale Water Distribution and its Effects on Organic Carbon Decomposition in nsaturated Soils,Science of the Total Environment,644: 1036-1043.
- [24] Zhifeng Yan, S. Li, X. Yang, and M. Hilpert,2017,Two-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method and its Applications to Advective-Diffusive-Reactive Transport,Advances in Water Resources,109: 333-342.
- [25] Zhifeng Yan, C. Liu*, Y. Liu, and V. Bailey,2017,Multiscale Biofilm Distribution and its Impact on Macroscopic Biogeochemical Reaction Rates,Water Resources Research,53 (11): 8698-8714.
- [26] Zhifeng Yan, C. Liu*, K. Todd-Brown, Y. Liu, B. Bond-Lamberty, and V. Bailey,2016,Pore-scale Investigation on the Response of Heterotrophic Respiration to Moisture Conditions in Heterogeneous Soils,Biogeochemistry,131 (1-2): 121-134.
- [27] Zhifeng Yan*, E.J. Bouwer and M. Hilpert,2014,Coupled Effects of Chemotaxis and Growth on Traveling Bacterial Waves,Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,164: 138-152.
- [28] Zhifeng Yan* and M. Hilpert,2014,A Multiple-relaxation-time Lattice-Boltzmann Model for Bacterial Chemotaxis: Effects of Initial Concentration, Diffusion, and Hydrodynamic Dispersion on Traveling Bacterial Bands,Bulletin of Mathematical Biology,76 (10): 2449-2475.
- Books
- No content
- Patents
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- Teaching
- No content
Greenhouse gases and climate change
Our team dedicates to understand how water and carbon as well as nitrogen interact to control various ecological and environmental effects such as greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) emissions and eutrophication. We combine field monitoring, lab experiments, and numerical simulations to understand the mechanisms controlling hydro-biogeochemical processes and predict their environmental impacts in future.

- Honors & Awards
- [1] Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University
- [2] Lee and Albert H. Halff Doctoral Student Award
- [1] 华北平原农田沟渠温室气体排放时空格局及驱动机制,面上项目,42471117,国家自然科学基金委员会, 2025-2028
- [2] 地-气界面过程及环境气候效应,国家创新研究群体科学基金(No. 42221001,研究骨干,负责滨海地区地-气界面温室气体通量模拟与评估),国家自然科学基金委员会, 2023-2027
- [3] Coupled Mechanisms of Carbon and Nitrogen in Estuary Wetlands
- [4] 国家四青(国家海外引进)人才项目,中央组织部,2019-2021
- [5] 土壤甲烷吸收的水分调控机制及其机理模型,面上项目,42077009,国家自然科学基金委员会, 2020-2024
- [6] 库区消落带温室气体排放机理研究,国家重点研发计划课题下属专题,中国科学技术部,2019.01~2021.06
- [7] 基于水化学和同位素解析斯里兰卡干旱地区慢性肾病高发区地下水水质变化规律,国际地区(合作)交流项目,2019-2021
- [8] 碳的生物地球化学过程:从空隙尺度到生态系统,美国能源部,2014.11~2017.04
- [9] 地下水和地表水交互作用带的生物地球化学过程,美国能源部,2014.11~2017.04