Yan Zhifeng

School of Earth System Science

Professional Title



Environmental geography

Contact Information


Rm 610, Building No.16


Education Background
  • Doctoral degree| Johns Hopkins University|  Environmental Engineering| 2014
  • Master’s Degree| Tsinghua University| 2010
  • Bachelor’s Degree| Wuhan University| 2007
Research Interests
  • Production, transport and reaction of GHG in soils
  • Carbon and nitrogen cycles and their climatic and environmental impacts in aquatic ecosystems
  • Integrating process-based models and AI techniques to study the interactions between C-N cycles and global changes
Professional Membership
  • Carbon Neutrality青年编委
  • 土壤学会碳中和与全球变化委员会委员
  • 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第十届地表与生物地球化学专业委员会委员
  • Environmental Earth Sciences,Associate Editor
  • Frontiers in Water, Associate Editor
  • Carbon Research, youth editorial board member, 2022-present
  • European Journal of Soil Science, guest editor,2021-2022
Positions & Employments
  • 2019.3-Now

    School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University 
  • 2017.8-2019.3

    School of Earth System Science | Tianjin University 
  • 2014.11-2017.4

    Geochemistry | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 
Academic Achievements
Greenhouse gases and climate change
Our team dedicates to understand how water and carbon as well as nitrogen interact to control various ecological and environmental effects such as greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) emissions and eutrophication. We combine field monitoring, lab experiments, and numerical simulations to understand the mechanisms controlling hydro-biogeochemical processes and predict their environmental impacts in future.