Wen, Y.L., J. Xiao, F.F. Liu, B.A. Goodman, W. Li, Z.J. Jia, W. Ran, R.F. Zhang, Q.R. Shen, and G.H. Yu(余光辉)*,2018,Contrasting effects of chemical and organic fertilisation regimes on shifts in the Fe redox bacterial community,Soil Biology & Biochemistry,117: 56–67.
上一条:Yu, G.H.(余光辉)*, Z.L. Chi, H. H. Teng, H.L. Dong, A. Kappler, M.R. Gillings, M.L. Polizzotto, C.Q. Liu, and Y.G. Zhu*,2019,Fungus-initiated catalytic reactions at hyphal-mineral interfaces drive iron redox cycling and biomineralization,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,260: 192–203.
下一条:Yu, G.H.(余光辉), J. Xiao, S.J. Hu, M.L. Polizzotto, F.J. Zhao, S.P. McGrath, H. Li, W. Ran, and Q.R. Shen*,2017,Mineral availability as a key regulator of soil carbon storage,Environmental Science & Technology,51(9): 4960–4969.