- 教师拼音名称:Yu Guanghui
- 职务:中心副主任
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
- 3d2f11f7ab7a6b83cf35d37278eb02ff43b07a04918f4fa517f63e4e0c1027f1c3afc9013d727abb7adc35dedd02886b0a3c53ec669ee4bf7a3d324974ca840519fbee519693cba5de11017064a2a7cfe85253d45554f7c20fcedf7409dbc00251ac6f7efa21e1a02f80a5a313a679e33a0f5fb1518b91e4d358fb0a3cbefd0c
- 55e7862907327425223fc60740e11a99eec73e6c7f181fab4c48b8a34f5822650853aa8a451a490de8776cadb6b1682c1e59b74c312b2ba79ae4bd3d7cc5484bd9d7e94c44fbcd945c458bf8f048a2e8b15d1181ba7a570338d74b81907ccf53f4b2ec001a5aea24d37ba7bdf1171ccb6a2d75801fdbb4276f1fa4d0a3b8e72b
- 6c3c47f511a0df73c6e40d3f80f8b4ae60fe7e2048592af510dd8e925300fa6c5708b8744dfd2f793b9ffa0bda20e8fae27007bed4193d5b814cb17395d1184ba293a688c38e354e45faa2a111a6813ebc4c475bbe053eaabd11b80173dd88d9c8b6d3675db9970282bd9f981a66d8750a151b71a0f8c9c1212067e0125c600b
· 王翔, 余光辉*, Yakov Kuzyakov, 殷博昊, Andreas Kappler, 刘丛强, 2025, 生态系统中真菌生物量对土壤稳定碳库的贡献, 中国科学:地球科学, 55(2): 454-467.
· Wang, X., G.-H. Yu*(余光辉), Y. Kuzyakov, B.-H. Yin, A. Kappler, C.-Q. Liu, 2025, Contribution of fungal biomass to persistent soil carbon across biomes. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2025, 68(2): 444-456.
· Guo, Y.-X., G.-H. Yu*(余光辉), S. Hu, C. Liang, A. Kappler, M. T. Jorgenson, L. Guo, G. Guggenberger, 2024. Deciphering the intricate control of minerals on deep soil carbon stability and persistence in Alaskan permafrost, Global Change Biology, 30(10): e17552.
· Xu, L.-X., F. Wang, Y. Yao, M. Yao, Y. Kuzyakov, G.-H. Yu*(余光辉), C.-Q. Liu, 2024, Key role of microbial necromass and iron minerals in retaining micronutrients and facilitating biological nitrogen fixation in paddy soils, Fundamental Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.fmre.2024.02.007.
· Li, H., G.-H. Yu(余光辉)*, L. Hao, Y. Qiu, S. Hu*, 2023, Mycorrhizae enhance reactive minerals but reduce mineral-associated carbon, Global Change Biology, 29: 5941-5954.
· Sun, F.-S., C. M, G.-H. Yu(余光辉)*, Y. Kuzyakov, Y.-C. Lang, P.-Q. Fu, L.-J. Guo, H. H. Teng, C.-Q. Liu, 2023, Organic carbon preservation in wetlands: Iron oxide protection vs. thermodynamic limitation. Water Research, 241: 120133.
· Dong*, H., Q. Zeng, Y. Sheng, C. Chen, G. Yu(余光辉), Andreas Kappler. Coupled iron redox cycling and organic matter transformation across redox interfaces. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2023, 4, 9: 659–673.
· Chang, L., G.-H. Yu(余光辉)*, C.-Q. Liu, 2023, Interfacial processes and mechanisms of synergistic degradation of dichlorobiphenyl by white rot fungi and magnetite nanoparticles. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 66(9): 2057–2065.
· 常乐, 余光辉*, 刘丛强, 2023, 白腐真菌-磁铁矿协同降解二氯联苯的界面过程与机制, 中国科学: 地球科学, 53(9): 2085–2093.
· Chi, Z.L., G.H. Yu(余光辉)*, H.H. Teng, H.G. Liu, J. Wang, C.Q. Liu, Q.R. Shen, G.M. Gadd, 2022, Molecular trade-offs between lattice oxygen and oxygen vacancy drive organic pollutant degradation in fungal biomineralized exoskeletons, Environmental Science & Technology, 56(12): 8132-8141.