Guo, Y.-X., G.-H. Yu*(余光辉), S. Hu, C. Liang, A. Kappler, M. T. Jorgenson, L. Guo, G. Guggenberger, 2024. Deciphering the intricate control of minerals on deep soil carbon stability and persistence in Alaskan permafrost, Global Change Biology, 30(10): e17552.
上一条:Wang, X., G.-H. Yu*(余光辉), Y. Kuzyakov, B.-H. Yin, A. Kappler, C.-Q. Liu, 2025, Contribution of fungal biomass to persistent soil carbon across biomes. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2025, 68(2): 444-456.
下一条:Xu, L.-X., F. Wang, Y. Yao, M. Yao, Y. Kuzyakov, G.-H. Yu*(余光辉), C.-Q. Liu, 2024, Key role of microbial necromass and iron minerals in retaining micronutrients and facilitating biological nitrogen fixation in paddy soils, Fundamental Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.fmre.2024.02.007.