Li, H., S.J. Hu, M.L. Polizzotto, X.L. Chang, Q.R. Shen, W. Ran, and G.H. Yu(余光辉)*,2016,Fungal biomineralization of montmorillonite and goethite to short-range-ordered minerals,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,191:17–31.
上一条:Yu, G.H.(余光辉), M.J. Wu, G.R. Wei, Y.H. Luo, W. Ran, B.R. Wang, J.C. Zhang, and Q.R. Shen*,2012,Binding of organic ligands with Al(III) in dissolved organic matter from soil: implications for soil organic carbon storage,Environmental Science & Technology,46(11): 6102–6109.
下一条:Du, H.Y., C.M. Chen, G.H. Yu(余光辉)*, M.L. Polizzotto, F.S. Sun, and Y. Kuzyakov, 2020, An iron-dependent burst of hydroxyl radicals stimulates straw decomposition and CO2 emission from soil hotspots: Consequences of Fenton or Fenton-like reactions, Geoderma, 375: 114512.