褚冰杰, 余光辉*, 刘飞飞, 沈其荣, 冉炜, 土壤微团聚体中矿物-有机复合体特征, 土壤学报, 2017, 54(6): 1451–1458.
上一条:Sun, F.S., M.L. Polizzotto, D.X. Guan, J. Wu, Q.R. Shen, W. Ran, B.R. Wang, G.H. Yu(余光辉)*,2017,Exploring the interactions and binding sites between Cd and functional groups in soil DOM using two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation based spectromicroscopies,Journal of Hazardous Materials,326: 18–25.
下一条:Yu, G.H.(余光辉), Z. Tang, Y.C. Xu, and Q.R. Shen*,2011,Multiple fluorescence labeling and two dimensional FTIR–13C NMR heterospectral correlation spectroscopy to characterize extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms produced during composting,Environmental Science & Technology,45(21): 9224–9231.