Chi, Z.L.#, X.Y. Zhao#, Y.L. Chen, J.L. Hao, G.H. Yu(余光辉)*, B. A. Goodman, G.M. Gadd, 2021, Intrinsic enzyme-like activity of magnetite particles is enhanced by cultivation with Trichoderma guizhouense, Environmental Microbiology, 23(2): 893–907.
上一条:Yu, G.H.(余光辉)*, Y. Kuzyakov*, 2021, Fenton chemistry and reactive oxygen species in soil: Abiotic mechanisms of biotic processes, controls and consequences for carbon and nutrient cycling, Earth-Science Reviews, 214: 103525.
下一条:Chi, Z.L., G.H. Yu(余光辉)*, 2021, Nanozyme-mediated elemental biogeochemical cycling and environmental effects, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 64(7): 1015-1025.