- 教师名称:赵靖
- 教师拼音名称:Zhao Jing
- 出生日期:1982-11-28
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
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Zhao Jing, Female, Associated Professor.
- Research on a forecasted load-and time delay-based model predictive control (MPC) district energy system model
- Study on heat transfer delay of exposed capillary ceiling radiant panels (E-CCRP) system based on CFD method
- A hybrid method of dynamic cooling and heating load forecasting for office buildings based on artificial intelligence and regression analysis
- Multi-objective optimization design for windows and shading configuration considering energy consumption and thermal comfort: A case study for office building in different climatic regions of China
- Suitability assessment of building energy saving technologies for office buildings in cold areas of China based on an assessment framework
- A Fuzzy Control Strategy Using the Load Forecast for Air Conditioning System
- Study on the policy of replacing coal-fired boilers with gas-fired boilers for central heating based on the 3E system and the TOPSIS method: A case in Tianjin, China
- A Study on Energy-Saving Technologies Optimization towards Nearly Zero Energy Educational Buildings in Four Major Climatic Regions of China
- An Influencing Parameters Analysis of District Heating Network Time Delays Based on the CFD Method
- Uncertainty Analysis of Weather Forecast Data for Cooling Load Forecasting Based on the Monte Carlo Method
- Optimization of Passive Envelop Energy Efficient Measures for Office Buildings in Different Climate Regions of China Based on Modified Sensitivity Analysis
- Analysis and optimization of carbon trading mechan.Analysis and optimization of carbon trading mechanism for renewable energy application in buildings
- Energy consumption comparison analysis of high energy efficiency office buildings in typical climate zones of China and U.S. based on correction model.Energy
- Energy saving effect prediction and post evaluation of air-conditioning system in public buildings.ENERGY AND BUILDI....2011,43 (11):3243-3249
- Zhao Jing.Energy consumption quota of public buildings based on statistical analysis.ENERGY POLICY.2012,43 (4):362-370
- Energy efficiency performance of multi-energy district heating and hot water supply system.JOURNAL OF CENTRA....2012,19 (5):1377-138
- Analysis and proposal of implementation effects of heat metering and energy efficiency retrofit of existing residential buildings in northern heating areas of China in "the 11th Five-Year Plan" period.ENERGY POLICY.2012,45 (6):521-528
- Optimum combinations of building envelop energy-saving technologies for office buildings in different climatic regions of China.ENERGY AND BUILDI....2013,57 (2):103-109
- Method of checking and certifying carbon trading volume of existing buildings retrofits in China.ENERGY POLICY.2013,61 (10):1178-1187
- Energy consumption comparison analysis of high energy efficiency office buildings in typical climate zones of China and US based on correction model.ENERGY.2014,65 (2):221-232
- Suitability assessment of building energy saving technologies for office buildings in cold areas of China based on an assessment framework.ENERGY CONVERSION....2015,103 (10):650-664
- Analysis and optimization of carbon trading mechanism for renewable energy application in buildings.RENEWABLE & SUSTA....2017,73 (6):435-451
- 2001.9-2005.6 Tianjin University Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering Bachelor
- 2005.9-2010.3 Tianjin University HVAC Master&Doctor
2013.12 -2014.12
|劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室|Visiting Scholar
2010.6 - 至今
|School of Environmetn Science and Engineering|天津大学|Associated Professor